Shot by an unloaded gun

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Dec 18, 2011
San Diego
I saw a video the other day that confused me to no end. I wanted to know if everyone has seen this video and what your thoughts are.

Sandy Sheedy, a Sacramento city council member, went on record saying "You can be shot by an unloaded gun."

How can someone be so ill-informed and have such little logic? I know that there are people that have never handled guns and probably never will and they know very little about them but that still doesnt register to me how she can honestly think that its possible to shoot an unloaded gun.

Maybe they just meant you can be shot by a gun you thought was unloaded. I remember when I first got into pistols coming back from the range and racking a gun I THOUGHT was unloaded and a cartridge popped out. Taught me something valuable.

But being it is a California politicians you are probably right as attributing it to pure stupid.
oh by the way, the statement was referencing her discontent for California's unloaded open carry law
I must find out how this works since no one else has so far. I am so going to patent it when I do. If I were to license or sell my patent to some gun company/defense contactor or I could make millions!
I bet more accidents happen because "I swear it was unloaded." So yeah, a supposedly "unloaded" gun can still shoot you. I don't know it's unloaded until I've verified that fact for myself.
It's not that complicated, we say the same thing often it just sounds bad when an anti says it.

She means that there are incidents where someone swears a gun is "unloaded" but it isn't and something bad happens as a result. It's the reason for Rule #1 after all.

That of course has nothing to do with whether or not it's dangerous to carry a gun, loaded or unloaded, in a holster without fingers touching it but what do you expect from an anti.

I think you've latched onto the wrong part of what she is saying. She believes that the mere presence of a gun is a threat. That's the stupidity of her statement. If the mere presence of a gun is a threat why does she let her police officers carry them?
I may have just heard what i wanted to hear. i like to consider myself pretty open minded about everyone's opinion, it's just when i heard it in the context that she used i linked it to another anti giving another poor excuse for the uneducated people to go off of and vote in her favor
I think they're referring to people who were shot by guns they thought were unloaded. The reasons for rules 1-3 all overlap with AD/ND involved unloaded guns. Rule #1: Always treat guns as if they were loaded. This included jokingly taking the mag out, putting it to your head and going bang. Last words of a member of Chicago: 'Relax, this thing's not loaded.' Rule #2: Do not point a gun at anything you do not want to destroy. This includes walls, your television, your foot, your head, and almost everything else. Rule #3: Keep your finger straight and off the trigger. Modern firearms have safeties that are designed to be almost perfect, but safeties don't always work, or it might not be on, or some other issue. Do you really want to gamble a life on it?
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I think what we're seeing is the problem with soundbites. >.<

Because I have seen this particular one a couple of times from very informed people, and nobody ever griped about it. 8)
I think verry heavily that when they quoted( an unloaded gun can shoot you) i think an anti was trying to work on the ignorant minds of the ppl of wich whom doesnt know anything about guns ammo, to gain there suport against gun rites.
Almost all AD's involve unloaded guns. Just read the newspaper accounts. They always swear they thought it was unloaded.
I knew a girl in high school whose brother was shot in the head and killed by an "unloaded" handgun. I once almost blew out my car window with an "unloaded" Browning A5.

Unloaded guns are VERY dangerous.
You can certainly be shot by a gun you thought was unloaded. That may be what she meant, although with Sacramento politicians it is hard to be sure. :uhoh: This is why Cooper's Rule One ("All guns are always loaded") is worded the way it is, not "Treat every gun as though it were loaded," to remove any ambiguity. And to shoot yourself with it is also a violation of ... well, all the rules. :rolleyes:
Actually people can shoot someone with an unloaded gun. Just get a bit confused with unloading sequence - rack first, then take the mag out. Not like this never happened.
The problem is, there are too many antis who know absolutely nothing about guns, who hear numerous knowledgeable gun owners say, "unloaded guns are dangerous" and "unloaded guns can kill" so many times that they literally believe it to be true.

A one time co-worker who is anti-gun explained to me how it works. "You see, there are these automatics that are self-loaders..."

And then there are the ones who think a gas operated semi-auto runs on gasoline.
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