Should I neck size this pulldown brass?

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Good luck even finding a lawyer who'll take your case if you blow up your rifle or erase your eyeballs with defective pulldown brass. Who are you going to sue? The military? The demil contractor? Any one of several jobbers or distributors? The guy you got it from at the gun show?
I wouldn't sue anyone, but maybe a powder manufacturer that made a grievous error. I can't imagine any other component causing a rifle to blow up without some serious user error and/or very poor attention to detail.

If the brass don't fit, you must acquit. :)

It's true that there could be many reasons the ammo was demilled. But as you've noticed, there are clues. If the brass is too long, it needs to be trimmed. If it's too big, it needs to be sized. If there's no neck tension it needs to be neck sized. If there is corrosion, mud, and spiders, you need to open your eyes! If it's properly sized... it doesn't need to be FLR'd.

Inspection of your two year old brass... what did you find? If it was perfectly good, it might have been demilled for lots of good reasons. The CUP might have been too high. The velocity might have been too low. Someone's nephew might have needed some more money for selling the government more ammo that it didn't really need. They could be replacing 55 grain ammo with 62. Or they might have just temporarily needed more room in a warehouse for something else.
Poking fun at others and trying to "prove" that they're being ridiculous just because their safety standards happen to be higher than your own really isn't helpful or productive.
I apologize if I came off as poking fun. I don't see this as a safety standard, since unsized brass has never blown up a modern centerfire rifle. It fits, or it doesn't. If it needs trimming, that's one thing. But if a neck sized, proper length, unsized case slipped into your reloads, I don't think it would blow up your rifle or burn out your eyeballs. I'd be more concerned about mud and spiders.
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