Should these guns be severely restricted?

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Hey guys:
I'm a little leery of this one. Don't sound right to me.

But my answer would be. Why ? nothing wrong with what we already have.

I still think this is a trick question. Wonder if his name is Chuck?????/
Doesn't sound like a troll to me at all. The fact that shotguns dump a significant amount of lead down range quickly is something that I bring up whenever somebody around me is dumb enough to say something like,"Why does anybody need an AK-47? That's only good for mowing down a room full of people!"

GigaBuist: "Actually..a shotgun would be better."

Lay out the numbers and the light might go on in their head.
Restricted?? You're asking that question to the WRONG group of people. Most of us here feel that they should be issued to everyone who isn't a criminal or crazy, and the crazy part is sometimes up for debate.
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Nothing wrong with owning any type of gun. The debate rages on about full-auto, but I still don't see why they have to be illegal to own and shoot at a proper setting.

Stiff penalties with no parole for firearms violations, sure. But not crimes for ownership.

This is just fundamentally wrong. It is a form of "guilt before commission of a crime."

As there are so many legitimate uses for firearms, why not repeal the nonsense laws that are drafted along the lines of "guilt for possession?
Resticting ANYTHING is only going to stop law abiding citizens from having it. There are enough laws. How about if we revisit and enforce some of the laws we already have. Then keep our politicians from resticting our constitutional rights in order to gather "cheap feel good" votes.:banghead:
I don't think that ANY kind of gun should be restricted.

I think that ALL types of guns should be 'legal'.

I think that most of the gun laws are stupid, wrong and not Constitutional even though I obey them.

If that is the case in firearms... maybe they will limit how fast a vehicle can go and that they can only be painted a certain color.

I think that MOST if not ALL of the gun laws should be repealed.

What part of 'shall not be infringed' don't people understand? Who cares what the tool looks like or how it shoots? ONLY the anti gunners and the ATF. I think that they should be abolished too. NO offense.

ANY object or tool or thing can be used in a wrong or bad way by people. It is the person who uses it in a bad or wrong way not the tool or OBJECT.



The original poster mentioned 'civilian'.

Any NON military person, including the police, ARE civilians.

Military = military.

Civilians = NON military.

I happen to think that ALL people, all citizens, should have the same equipment or be able to purchase the same/exact equipment, including firearms, to be on a LEVEL playing field with the military of their country or ANY other country.

It helps us when it comes to TYRANTS, dictators, zealots in ANY subject matter, NWO power control freaks in ANY political party, the anti gunners, the Brady bunch, the past, present and future anti gun candidates including Presidents, Govs, Congress, etc.

PEACE through superior firepower!

George Santayana wrote:
Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
How do you come to would be 000 buck, which is easy to find on midway.

You're correct. My mistake was forgetting that 9mm is ~.355". 0000 buck is .380" and I was equating 9mm to .38 caliber, which in fact isn't .380" but ~.357" in diameter. 0000 buck is hard to find, but 000 buck isn't. Either way, it still hurts to shoot it. ;)
Were you mislead?


The example of "...guns capable of firing up to 50 9mm projectiles in 3 seconds..." was deliberately misleading to make the point. A Remington 1187 loaded with 5 rounds of 3 inch magnum #000 buckshot is indeed capable of firing up to 50 9mm projectiles in 3 seconds!

With the U.S. Supreme Court about to rule on the Second Amendment, where to draw the line on the "...right to keep and bear arms" will continue to be a complex and divisive issue even in the pro-gun community.

My apologies to anyone who may have taken offense at this approach. This was merely an example of how those who would restrict our rights might manipulate the facts in order to mislead John Q. Public and divide the gun-rights community.

Think about it.
If (when, depends on how paranoid you are) we (the American people in genereal not just THR people) have to do something called preservation of liberty, we should have options without resorting to the black market. But of course, that's what the facists don't want. :|
000 Buck

As currently factory loaded in the U.S., these buckshot sizes actually measure:

1B: .295"
00B: .325"
000B: .350"
Tri-Ball II .600"

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