Shovelling your Enemy

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Ever see the movie "The Sorcerer"? You know, the one where Roy Scheider drives a big truck full of decaying dynamite through the jungle and... anyways.

During the scene where they're being hijacked by sandinista-a-likes he uses a shovel to darn near cleave the head of a rebel off his shoulders. Good hit :)
Your stick-boxing is no match for my shovel-fu!

Besides, who is gonna bust you for having a gardening implement in your jeep?

That video was kind of funny... unless you were unarmed in front of that guy and he wanted to cause you harm.
Shovels made excellent hand-to-hand combat weapons in the trenches of WW I. I read one officer's account that he held the shovel in higher regard than the bayonet. You can impale, you can slash, you can bash and the round handle of the bayonet was much like a pike or spear shaft in that it was wieldy and easy to block with.

Once I'm generalissimo, I'm arming my troops with 5' shovels. Our marching song will be "Hi ho, Hi ho, it's off to work we go." I think desertion will be a major issue though. :uhoh:
Keeping it quiet

I think you guys miss the point of it all, with all of this talking about how efficient a shovel can be, will draw too much attention from the shovel ban crowd. Next we'll have some DC type demanding that we register our shovels and insist that we have to suffer a waiting period, a background check and owner id cards.
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