Sig P228 Refinished by Tripp

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Jan 26, 2003
Lewisburg, TN
A while back I got my P228 back from a hard-chroming job at Tripp Research. I've heard a lot of good things about the work that Virgil Tripp does, and decided to try it with my beloved P228. I sent it off on the 12th, and got it back on the 24th - a 12 day turnaround time. I had him do the slide, and all of the small parts. The total cost was $150 plus about $60 overnight shipping both ways with insurance.

Well, it couldn't have turned out better.

This board won't let me inline the images, so I've put up a little HTML page instead. Check it out here.

And I've got to tell you, it looks even better in person. Judging by others' experience with HC jobs, this finish should last for the rest of the gun's life.
Now I just need to get another handgun to refinish :D
If you love Tripp's hardchroming, you'd better hurry up. He's shutting down his HC part of the business on Aug 15th to better concentrate on other areas.
That's one good lookin' gun.
PCRCCW, like CWL said if you're thinking of sending something you better do it quick.

July 03, 2003 Announcement and Thanks

In order to give my full attention to our new high performance 1911CobraMag line of products, our hard chrome and coating service facility will close August 15, 2003. Refinishing jobs taken in on or before this date will be completed in approximately 14 shop days. As always, any warranty issues for our refinishing work will continue to be handled to your satisfaction. We appreciate the opportunity to have performed your refinishing work for the last five years and are especially proud of our quality and turnaround record. Thanks again for your business and I look forward to continuing our business relationships with our new product line.


Virgil Tripp
Tripp Research, Inc.
Alpine, Texas USA
DAYYYUM!!! That is as nice a job as I have seen, both the camera work and the plating!!! Great pics of a super plating job!! It really appears to be flawless..........
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