Significant Break Through

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Nov 24, 2008
Southern Maine
Ok, so there is another thread going about getting your Significant Other on board when it comes to guns, and guns in the home but I did not want to hi-jack that thread. Patience is what is needed.

My wife is not what you would consider an anti, she has no problems with guns... enjoys my enthusiasm and shoots occasionally herself. But, she still thinks the gun is going to sneak out of the bedside table and shoot one of the kids in the middle of the night, and she and my daughters LOVE to tease me. Every time I say anything tactics related, SD, or anything like that... they put their hands together in the classic lower three fingers inter twined with the index fingers forming the shape of a gun... they crouch down... and start moving around saying "On me.. On me.." <-- this is coincidentally the same thing they do to me when I play a video game such as Call of Duty... It is cute, but irks me a little...

So... onto the breakthrough (And you can see why I didn't want to put this in the other post....)

My wife has taken up walking/jogging... she is becoming quite the tight body... we live in a rural area, and her walk in down a rural highway with very few houses. Yesterday, before her walk she asked me where my dirk was. I have a dirk a good friend made me, and it is an awesome striking weapon due to the brass cap on the handle. She let me know she watched Self Defense TV... I record it to watch when I have time, and she caught one of the women self defense specials, and she also indicated to me that she saw a vehicle acting suspiciously on her last walk. and that if she saw this vehicle again she would immediately call me and that she wanted to have the dirk for SD.... I closed my mouth as my jaw hit the floor, and said to her... "Now do you see why I carry, and a lot of women do to?" she indicated that she did, and said she would not be upset if I got her a little gun for her purse.

Sorry I rambled, but the point is over time she picked up some pointers, raised her awareness and experienced her own opinions and reasons for wanting a gun. Not mine.

My wife has felt the same way about my .40 then the other night there was an ungodly pounding on the door at midnight. Turns out to be her brother but now she wants me to get my ccw. Take the class July 18:)
I'm glad your wife "saw the light" and now understands why people carry SD weapons. Many people don't realize what they are missing until it's too late.

I'm lucky that my wife, who started out with feelings similar to yours regarding guns, now has her CCW and knows how to use all the firearms in the house well.

We love spending time at the range together, although now it would be a cheaper date to go out for a steak...

Hopefully your wife will catch the bug as well. :)
I am content knowing that she is coming out of the unaware state she has been in her whole life, and that she is expressing the desire to be safe.

I would just assume NOT share my ammo :)
Good job on staying cool until/if your better half "sees the light". I had a very similar experience to yours, the first year I started carrying I got a lot of the eye-rolling and patronizing reaction to it from her. After she got used to seeing it was just something that I did, and that it didn't make me any different, and a year or so to mull it over, she came around. She now has her own CWP and handgun, much like your wife gradually came to look at it in a different light. That's great!
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