Silly guns

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Zaydok Allen

Feb 12, 2011
I came across this picture on the web and couldn’t look away. You know, like when you drive past a bad car wreck.

Ugly guns, what do’ya got?


I just can’t see ruining the aesthetics of a good gun for a joke. But maybe I’m just no fun.
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I like the colors actually lol.

I got nothing like that, but I find all black gun unattractive, so all of mine have some paint or colored parts on them...
Actually my hipoints all black, maybe I'll do something outrageous with that one.
I like the colors actually lol.

I got nothing like that, but I find all black gun unattractive, so all of mine have some paint or colored parts on them...
Actually my hipoints all black, maybe I'll do something outrageous with that one.
Do the high point in snow camo, cuz.... You know... All the snow in Hawaii..

I personally don't like the unicorn look on the above rifle, but my 4 yr old daughter would love it. I DO love most theme builds, that one is just too easy to mistake for a toy.
Just out of curiosity do we know if this indeed a real steel firearm? First I saw it was on paintball sites and assumed it was a paintball or airsoft gun. If it was a paintball/airsoft would that change how you guys feel about it? Either way I think it is hilarious while being a little bit reckless as it promotes the idea of a toy. Just have to work that much harder to make sure all potential individuals with access know that.
Do the high point in snow camo, cuz.... You know... All the snow in Hawaii..

I personally don't like the unicorn look on the above rifle, but my 4 yr old daughter would love it. I DO love most theme builds, that one is just too easy to mistake for a toy.

Funny you should say that, there's snow on maunakea right now....or there was, it can be gone in a day lol.
Rattle can snow camo does sound fun tho, I don't have a white gun yet.
My son said he likes it. I find it amusing. Nothing I would pay money for though.
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Just out of curiosity do we know if this indeed a real steel firearm? First I saw it was on paintball sites and assumed it was a paintball or airsoft gun. If it was a paintball/airsoft would that change how you guys feel about it? Either way I think it is hilarious while being a little bit reckless as it promotes the idea of a toy. Just have to work that much harder to make sure all potential individuals with access know that.
It's not a paintball gun, could be airsoft tho.
My feeling is that it's the real deal.

I honestly don't think how any gun looks should change anything about how it's handled (certainly wouldn't for anyone I'd shoot with), but I hear you, there are some Darwin award nominees out there that wouldn't treat it properly.
Just out of curiosity do we know if this indeed a real steel firearm? First I saw it was on paintball sites and assumed it was a paintball or airsoft gun. If it was a paintball/airsoft would that change how you guys feel about it? Either way I think it is hilarious while being a little bit reckless as it promotes the idea of a toy. Just have to work that much harder to make sure all potential individuals with access know that.
That’s possible. I just found the pic. Maybe it is a paintball gun. I guess my issue is if it’s a real gun, it’s just a little too toy like.

I guess, if it makes someone happy, that’s cool.
I came across this picture on the web and couldn’t look away. You know, like when you drive past a bad car wreck.

Ugly guns, what do’ya got?

View attachment 829523

I just can’t see ruining the aesthetics of a good gun for a joke. But maybe I’m just no fun.

Someone was very, very bored on the day that gun was created... a back room deep in the bowels of Washington, DC.....some frantic alterations are being made to the latest gun banning bill. "Multi-color Unicorn horse head thing holding the barrel" will be included in 'banned' features. What's next?
If that unicorn gun means some young girl is learning to shoot, then churn those suckers out by the millions.
We have all seen small colorful pistol sales grow, especially to women who want a CCW gun.. If it gets more folks off the fence and on our side, bring it on. All black is ugly anyway.
Someone put some serious work into that thing. It’s not for me, but my daughter said she would shoot it.

I look at stuff like this and did a good job on that, the fit and finish is well done, you put real work on is a good job.....but to me it is pretty darn stupid....but then again I don't get the brodozer thing also.

If a brodozer=little winkie, what does this say about the owner......John Holmes?
It has been quite a few years ago, but there was a dealer who I saw at a lot of gun shows that had one of the budget Marlin 30-30's that someone had painted. The wood was all black, all metal parts were painted gold. I saw that rifle at every gun show I went to for years.
It was obviously a build for a child, so what the heck. As long as the parent is there to supervise the shooter, if it brings another person into our ranks, good for them.

See, not all AR's have to be evil and black. Personally, not sure if I'm man enough to bring that to a range by myself and claim ownership. lol
I would love to see a winning 3-gun run with something similar. I can almost hear the fudds moaning about it.

Anything that makes RKBA more accessible is fantastic in my book. I can appreciate that making them too toy-like could be a potential issue given irresponsible handling, but as a community we have a tendency to be a little uptight sometimes and it's nice to see some levity.
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