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"...they can't get their tale over their back..." That isn't a requirement for Pepe. Nor is being southend towards you. Pepe will generally leave you alone if you leave him alone. He can be living quite contentedly under your house and you'll never know unless you look out the window at night as he saunters by. Even if you step out the door in front of him, he'll warn you before he lets you have it. Yes, it is the voice of experience. White guys can too jump. He'll stamp his two front paws on the ground essentially saying get away from me or else.
The downside of having Pepe as a neighbour is he can be a carrier of rabies and not suffer from it. Still if you leave him alone you're fine. You'll know instantly, even if you've never seen one with actual rabies. It'll be coming at you with malicous intent. Head shots only. LR's or .22 Mags only. No .22 CF 's. Too much expansion of the carcass. And a rabid beastie is no excuse to shoot one in an area where shooting isn't allowed.
In our county skunks that were shot and brought to be tested showed 75% had rabies. (I suspect most were killed during the day). A friend of ours regularly uses live traps on to catch the skunk, then pulls a canvas tarp over the cage, attaches a hose to his truck exhaust and CO them to death. No spray yet, though I imagine the canvas tarp part might be a wee bit exciting.
A friend of ours regularly uses live traps on to catch the skunk, then pulls a canvas tarp over the cage, attaches a hose to his truck exhaust and CO them to death.


Sorry Skunkabilly.

No offense intended. I just mentioned his technique since he has not had any of the critters spray and carbon monoxide seemed to me to be as humane as a bullet. In this particular case he decided that he needed to kill them after they destroyed the undersiding of his house, is shed, etc. and sprayed his dogs.
you are all gonna laugh but...

i raised 2-a male and a female and they were just the size of a parakeet.they were never "deskunked" and never sprayed anyone in the house..including our cat.i took them hunting for grubs and crayfish and eventually had to return them to the woods.a friend was over and freaked when he saw the skunks chasing the cat and the cat chasing the skunks.back and forth.they moved pretty fast for as fat as they became.we always had a critter of some sort show up now and again.a hawk,crows,a squirrel,racoons and a grey fox pup(which was thought to be a domestic dog until it got
New member here. Just found this forum yesterday. Great place by the way. A few years ago the Preacher and his wife came by our house one evening. When they left it was almost dark so I turned on the carport light for them. Our dog started barking and looking under thier car. I told them to hold up because I could tell by the dogs bark that something was really bothering her. I took a flashlight and shown it under the car and there was a skunk. The skunk ran toward a field. I grabbed a rock from the driveway and threw the rock at the skunk and hit it in the head. The skunk just fell over like it was dead. I told my wife to bring me my .22 and I shot it just to make sure. Never will know if I killed it or just knocked it out with that rock. The skunk never sprayed a drop. I never smelled anything from it. It wasnt a big skunk, maybe 2/3 grown.
i raised 2-a male and a female and they were just the size of a parakeet.they were never "deskunked" and never sprayed anyone in the house

A life dedicated avoidance, deescalation and deterrence ;)
Sorry to take so long to respond. I went to bed shortly after I posted last night. The Preacher just said "Nice shot". Out here skunks are everywhere and I guess he was just relieved it didnt spray his car.
My new home had a crappy chain-link fence around it up until a couple days ago -former owner used it to keep his dog in, but I don't have a dog and this fence just had to go. Had it taken down and things look much nicer now.

So, last night I'm sitting in the hot tub, when I see a cat walk onto the deck. Only, this cat had a BIG tail sticking up in the air. And white stripes.

I must've looked like a cartoon character, going from totally relaxed to Code Yellow in about 0.1 seconds!

I just did some reading and learned that Skunks eat bees and other nasty critters, so I'm not really that anti-Skunk... that said I did find this product and if I have any problems I will consider using it. It is Fox Urine made into a granular repellent:
"Shake-Away Powder contains the scent of your pests worst enemy, the Coyote, Fox and Bobcat."

My question:

Do Skunks spray unprovoked? Like, if I had stayed in the tub, and he had walked over to sniff me, would he have sprayed me if he realized I was sitting there, being quiet? Can I chase them away with a surefire or by shouting "Out of here, Pepe!"?

Any further tactical suggestions or observations about skunk confrontation welcome!
Sven: Basically, skunks are fearless. If you don't make sudden moves, they'll generally ignore you.

A buddy of mine was sitting on my porch one night, just star-gazing. He dropped his hand down and Oops! felt fur. He carefully raised his hand; sure enough, it was good ol' Pepe, sniffing around a sack of corn.

He wound up--carefully--feeding grains of corn to Pepe, and then some pieces of cookie. After a while, the skunk casually wandered away.

:), Art

Art--That's Mephitis, not Mephisto! Mephisto is short for Mephistophiles, one of Satan's AKA's. Hardly an appropriate handle for an innocent and beneficial beastie. Mephitis is the genus to which the "ordinary skunk" the one w/2 racing stripes, belongs. The spotted skunk, which stands on its front legs to spray (I don't know why, don't ask) is genus Spilogale.

Skunks generally obey T. Roosevelt's dictum: "Speak softly & carry a big stick." You let them alone, they let you alone. Often they will stamp their front feet in warning if they feel threatened, before turning around to shoot.

When I lived in Upper Michigan, there were lots of skunks, and all the little kids who were old enough to go outdoors on their own were educated about them, and there was never a problem. The kids learned to walk away, not run, not throw stones, etc. The skunks learned that people don't bother them much.

Of course, that attitude gets skunks in trouble for sure on highways, but that is a whole nother question.

One of my beloved Labs almost caught a skunk once--Lab had his mouth open for the catching bite, when Mephitis let him have it full in the face. We were on a RR track @ the time, and the poor dog began wiping his face on the rails, ties, and gravel! I took Pooch home, stripped down and took him into the basement shower with me. I can tell you that 1 quart of homemade tomato juice, plus quite a bit of dishwashing detergent, will pretty well de-skunk one medium size dog. And the dog thought the spilled tomato juice was a great treat. When he got wet you could still whiff the skunk, for months. The dog was still a retriever, but he did give skunks a wide berth after that!
They are nasty critters and have sharp claws and will burrow under your home and make it unlivable anyway.

Bait with peanut butter into a cage

shoot with subsonic .22 from distance

dispose into bag, pour can of tomato juice.

double bag it!

dump in trash
Two Skunk Experiences

When I was about 8 or 9 years old I decided to rid my uncle's sweet corn patch of a racoon that was making a mess of the corn just as it ripened. I had found some muskrat traps and placed them in the corn field hoping to catch the masked raider. I caught a skunk instead and he proceeded to ruin all the corn within the radius of the trap chain, which was pretty long. My unlce dispatched him with a .22, but it fell to me to cart him off and bury him. Not a pleasant experience.

The second experience was one a neighbor had about six or seven years ago. They have garbage pickup and forgot one night to put the cans out. Before leaving for work the next morning he backed the car out of the garage and then got out and carried the cans to the curb. He had left the door from the garage to the house slightly ajar when he left. He hit the garage door closer after taking the last can to the street and headed off to work. His wife is a nurse and had already left when he did this. When she got home that afternoon and opened the door a skunk ran out of the garage. He had been trapped inside the house all day! Needless to say he felt threatened and had exhausted his entire supply, or so it seemed, on the interior of the house! Their insurance company hired a firm that specializes in cleaning houses that have been crime scenes (dead bodies) and even then, it took them over 30 days to get it down to only a faint smell remaining. All carpet and furniture had to be replaced along with all clothes and most of their household items. I don't know what the final bill was, but it included a remodel and refurnish of the entire house.
Mythbusters did a Skunk Episode.

Things I learned.

1. Skunks are pretty good-natured. It took them 4 (or more) skunks before they got one that would spray them. They had to chase it around a closed room and poke it with a broom.

2. Tomato Juice worked. So did the Hydrogen Peroxide/Baking Soda/Detergent mix. They used the Tomato Juice on themselves and the Hydrogen Peroxide on the Room.

3. Commercial Skunk Remover didn't work as well as either of the other remedies. Beer didn't work, neither did vinegar and water.

Killing Skunks without getting sprayed. (Not from Mythbusters)

It is my understanding that a Skunk must intentionally spray. If killed while "full", they MIGHT leak some, but they don't always. If where you shoot them hurts before they die then they will spray.

The Carbon Monoxide (hose on the exhaust pipe to the trap) is a nice humane way to do it if you have them trapped.

I've heard a lung shot usually works.

If you are good enough with a rifle to clip the spinal cord right at the base of the brain (ruin the brainstem) you get a no-reflex (no-spray) kill. That's what snipers are aiming for in hostage situations. If you miss and hit the head (brain) you have a good chance of getting a spray during the reflexive thrashing that often follows a brain shot.
Well some rabid skunks got into the traps the fellow had set out. He hadn't thought ahead of time as to how to get the rabid skunks out after being caught though...

We get a phone call for advice,suggestions and help. Did I mention I "just happened" to be test firing a Ruger . 480 , a Taurus in .454, and Model 29 with .44 spl loads?

Lets just say the ammo shot POA/ POI in these guns. The rope "lasso-ed" to critter worked , the bonfire didn't go out when additional " stuff " was added...but the darn skunk hiding behind the name plate of trap....well a .480 kinda sorta ruined the name- plate....other than that , the traps survived.


Later I " learnt" from Art what I did with a model 70 in '06 to a skunk is called....:p

When you don't have a .22....Improvise, Adapt , and Overcome I say. :)
Am I the only one here that doesn't terribly mind the smell of skunks?

We had an ugly as sin beagle/terrier mix as a kid. She'd kill anything, including skunks. She'd get sprayed, and sometimes she'd drop the dead carcass off on the doorstep as a gift to the family. Muskrats and rabbits too.

So, I've smelled skunk a few times in my life. For some reason, I no longer find it -THAT- offensensive. Pequliar, but not something that'd make me vomit. Whenever I get a whiff it takes a second or two to place the smell. Makes me think of home -- and THEN I remember it's a skunk. Odd I guess.

'Course, growing up across the street from a farm got me used to the smell of cow manure too. Another smell that doesn't bother me but makes everybody else want to puke I guess.
I don't find it an offensive odor unless it gets extremely strong. It smells, to me, something like burning rubber.
My dog got skunked three time in three weeks last month. Once in my front yard, once in my back yard and once in my woods. I have waged war on them all. I catch them in a have-a-heart trap and shoot them with a .12 guage. Duck and ruffed grouse heads make the best bait.

I really dislike those pests.

JohnK--Skunk should remind you of burning rubber: The bad smell of rubber comes from the sulfur compounds oxidizing. The active ingredient in "skunk juice" is N-butyl mercaptan, a sulfur compound.

I, too, don't find the odor all that unpleasant, but then I've never been directly sprayed, either. A whiff of "skunk on the breeze" is a nice outdoorsy smell, IMHO. De-skunking my dog (see my post above) was harder on the dog than it was on me. That dog regarded any form of being washed as a severe punishment.

If I never, ever, have to test out whether or not I mind getting directly skunked, I will not complain.
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