slight of hand

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Nov 2, 2007
I saw a truck at work today with 2 bumper stickers that left me boggled. 1) "Im your huckleberry" with a s&w. 2)Obama 08

I was at the range this weekend and this guy was talking about how excited he was just getting into shooting handguns with his girl. He was also talking about voting for obama. When my girlfriend pointed out the gun issues he was shocked that obama was an anti.

It shocks me that the war in iraq and fuel prices have so many people distracted.
Nothing wrong with that. Most voters actually aren't single issue voters. If I thought that Obama was the best thing for our country and he just happened to be against one thing I was very pro on, i'd still vote for him.

You'll never find a perfect candidate.. you'll generally only find ones that match MOST of what you want. There is such a thing as a pro-gun Democrat.

Just playing devil's advocate. I don't like anyone running this time around, but my vote will be going to Mcain, not Obama or Hillary.
Richardson from New Mexico. He ran for president and not surprisingly dropped out rather quickly.
Nothing wrong with being a single issue (or even a very narrow focus) voter.
For my take a candidates position on gun rights tells me volumnes about how he/she thinks of the citizenry in general. Am I to be trusted with the burdens of liberty or am I to be controlled by my government. All else can be extrapolated.
Nothing wrong with that. Most voters actually aren't single issue voters.

True, but where a candidate stands on RKBA is a touchstone for the much larger issue of individual responsibility. Obama and Hillary's position on that is deplorable.

Regardless, unless THR gets a Political forum section, the mods will shut these threads down and direct us to APS.
where a candidate stands on RKBA is a touchstone for the much larger issue of individual responsibility.
+1. Wouldn't consider myself a single issue voter, but there are a couple dealbreaker issues. RKBA is at the top of that list, and anyone that doesn't respect it will not even be up for consideration when I vote.
Im not a single issue voter but if a candidate wants to mess with the constitution then i do not support them.
The proper term is "I'm your huckle bearer" which is an offer to carry your coffin at your funeral.

Since he got the first sticker wrong, perhaps he got the second wrong as well.
I'm Your Huckleberry!

by Lawson Stone

On and off I hear discussions in which people speculate on the exact origin and meaning is of the quaint idiom used by Doc Holliday in the movie "Tombstone." I've heard some wild suggestions, including "huckleberry" meaning "pall-bearer" suggesting "I'll bury you."

Still others think it has something to do with Mark Twain's character, Huckleberry Finn, and means "steadfast friend, pard." This is unlikely, since the book of that title was not written until 1883. Tom Sawyer was written in 1876, but nowhere there is the term "huckleberry" used to mean "steadfast friend" or the like.

Still others claim that a victor's crown or wreath of huckleberry is involved, making the statement "I'm your huckleberry" something like "I'll beat you!" But no such reference can be found in the historical materials supporting the use of this term in 19th century America. Additionally, "huckleberry" was native to North America so it's unlikely it was used in ancient Britain as a prize!

Solutions to such questions are actually very easy to find, since there are numerous dictionaries of the English language in its various periods, and there are dictionaries of English slang. These works simply cull from books, magazines, and newspapers of the period representative usages of the words to illustrate their meaning. I consulted several of these and found the expression to have a very interesting origin.

"Huckleberry" was commonly used in the 1800's in conjunction with "persimmon" as a small unit of measure. "I'm a huckleberry over your persimmon" meant "I'm just a bit better than you." As a result, "huckleberry" came to denote idiomatically two things. First, it denoted a small unit of measure, a "tad," as it were, and a person who was a huckleberry could be a small, unimportant person--usually expressed ironically in mock self-depreciation. The second and more common usage came to mean, in the words of the "Dictionary of American Slang: Second Supplemented Edition" (Crowell, 1975):

"A man; specif., the exact kind of man needed for a particular purpose. 1936: "Well, I'm your huckleberry, Mr. Haney." Tully, "Bruiser," 37. Since 1880, archaic.

The "Historical Dictionary of American Slang" which is a multivolume work, has about a third of a column of citations documenting this meaning all through the latter 19th century.

So "I'm your huckleberry" means "I'm just the man you're looking for!"

Now ain't that a daisy!

The "Daisy" comment is easier. In the late 19th century "daisy" was a common slang term for "the best in it's class." So for "daisy" just substitute "the best" and you'll have it. It was a short-lived idiom and doesn't seem to be popular much after 1890.

My personal politics mean that I'm not going to vote for anyone in the election this November. I really, really want Obama to win, though. I own guns, am a solid supporter of the RKBA, engage in both intro- to shooting and debating with neutral/anti Democrats (including my girlfriend, who I live with) frequently.

I'm not a Democrat, I'm an anarchist, but I wouldn't count myself too far from being a pro-gun Democrat.

It's actually "sleight" of hand.
But, anyway, I voted for Ron Paul, and I don't agree with his foreign policy. I'm under the impression that he knows little about how to handle the military, as well.
Still voted for him. Of course, everything else was a HUGE plus.
Nothing wrong with that. Most voters actually aren't single issue voters. If I thought that Obama was the best thing for our country and he just happened to be against one thing I was very pro on, i'd still vote for him.

truth. i wish i could find someone that wanted nuclear power, green energy, guns, healthcare and someone that's actually going to be smart about wars and economy....
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