Smith 29-2 price check

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Dec 24, 2010
Vancouver, WA
Out of state working again and to my delight my customer is located next to a gun store :)

They have quite a few very nice revolvers that I already own and one I don't; a never-fired 29-2 4" with the presentation case, papers, tools etc, not even a turn line. The counterwoman asked me specifically not to cycle it if at all possible. The shop knows the owner and said he bought it new and put it away. They are asking $795 but I got the impression I could land it for $750. They won't charge me to ship it home, nor will there be any 3% credit card fee.

I'm tempted. I've always felt the model 29 to be the best looking of the N-frames and in 4" this one is a hottie. Definitely has target grips, can't remember what trigger or hammer. N8 prefix is probably a mid to late 80's gun.

I scanned gunbroker and see the 29's are all over the map, some that seem in pedestrian condition being bid high, others in better condition languishing.

Thoughts from the experts?
If I had the extra cash (i.e., wouldn't miss it), I'd definitely pay that for a 29-2 in the condition you describe.

They're not making them any more. (29-2) And it won't be long before it will be impossible to find such a gun.

Buy it. Now.
Just about any "N" frame that didn't look like it had been used to drive fence staples, would bring $750.00 around here.

I keep hearing people talk about ones for less, but I sure never see them.
Buy it! NIB condition 29's are hard to if not impossible to find for a price like that. If you don't want it give me the store name, address, phone # and I'll be in the car in 5 mins headed that way with $ :)
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