Sniper’s skills in demand in Iraq

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Snipers on missions forward fo friendly lines don't smoke-the smell gives them away. Other than that.....

Chuck Mahwinny (sp?) had over 100 confirmed kills, like 108, and more probables than Gunny Hathcock.
Without getting too out of hand, it has to do with combining/splitting and recombining
chemicals retnal and opsin, and their product chemical rhodopsin. Rod cells, which
in effect are your night vision, are sensitive to rhodopsin. When a photon interacts
with rohodopsin, it splits it into it's component parts, retnal and opsin. And the
rod cell interperts that chemical reaction as light. retnal and opsin recombine at
a fixed rate. The "strength" of the ohodopsin has a lot to do with how much retnal
is available, and retnal is a product of Vitamin A (retinol), is derived from beta-carotene
blah blah blah.

It's commonly held that smokers hold less serum retinol (and therefore retnal) than
non-smokers. In fact, by a good amount. The common sense conclusion is that smoking
impacts the retnal uptake of beta-carotene. Makes sense. The good news should be
though, that drinkers show more serum retinol than non-drinkers. :) So, drink up!

Anyway, the real clue here is that if you want better night vision, eat more carrots.
Vitamin A really is key to night vision. That and training your eyes for the dark.
His favorite deer gun was a Remington Model 700 bolt-action rifle in .308 caliber — the civilian version of the Army’s M-24 sniper rifle.
“I kind of grew up with the rifle,†he said.

mine too !.. now if could just get my hands on a Unertl....

i would posit that most guys entering the service these days have never touched a rifle until they get to basic. a generation or 2 or 3 ago every guy going into the fight had probly grown up hunting.
Snipers are cool. The only way to get a sniper is with another sniper..

...or your local RTO and some helpful artillery...Tejon's right though, counter snipers make winning hearts and minds easier since they don't blow them up along with everything else. :D

l Big fan of call-for-fire...

Double Maduro,

I'm sorry for the misunderstanding. I wasn't stating that Carlos still held the record. I was commenting that Carlos will always be "tops" in the sniper profession. That USMC sniper you mentioned does indeed hold the new record and like you, his name escapes me too. I beleive a Canadian sniper was running a close second. You have to admit though that ol' White Feather had style :D .

No offense was taken. I like gunny Hathcocks style and was surprised when I found out he didn't own the record anymore.

It is nice that snipers are finally getting some recognition.

My 20/10 vision is gone, my hands tremble ever so slightly (but WAY too much), and I'm too old and "creaky" to crawl across the jungle floor (or a roof top) now. . . .

Me too; but I'll bet you're willing, like me, to try if necessary.

I don't forgive easily (it's a curse in polite society).

I'd try if necessary. And I'd be gone in a few days. But I'd have taken several "with me". Sometime after my first Spotter was killed, an A-6 crew went down close to Cambodia. I was inserted via "the penatrator". I found what I found and went a little crazy. Only one other person on this board knows what happened after that. She's a small, dark haired moderator. If you must know the rest, ask her in an e-mail. I don't want to talk about it.

Let's give Shakespeare his due....

"Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war!" is the proper phrase. Spoken by Marc Anthony in Julius Caesar.

Good on 'em...glad to know we're still taking them out. i know a couple of Vietnam snipers that rivaled Hathcock's record, but you never hear about them...ok by them.

BTW, there is a National Award fondly called the Dogs of War Trophy (the award depicts angry dogs being held back from attack). Bonus points go to anyone who knows who the "dogs of war" are and what they do to win the award.
Interestingly enough, in WWII nine of the top ten snipers were Russians. A three way tie exists for eleventh place between a Finn, a German, and a Russian. The top scorers for the US are
Adelbert Waldron III Vietnam U.S. Army 109
Charles B. Mawhinney Vietnam U.S.M.C 103
Eric R. England Vietnam U.S.M.C 98
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