So, my son watched The Dark Tower...

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Giant lobsters makes me think about Saturday Night Live and the original boys dashing across the stage at the end in 1950s Army fatigues and flailing about with M1s.

I guess I'm by my lonesome here....I liked the books! The whole series. It's been at least a decade since I read them. When I saw the movie preview, I knew I had to go see it.
It was good, but if you went to see the books on film, you'd be disappointed. And I was.

I find it ironic that Stephen King is virulently anti gun, but in the dark tower series, they were indispensable and vital to the plot. Two of the main characters, even.
Yeah... Its a MOVIE.

Hell... Id just be happy if Pietta would bring out a '58 carbine so I wouldnt have to jump through as many hoops as Roland did to get ammo, just to make the thing take my (Pietta) extra cylinders!
I have never been able to bring myself to try King's stuff. An early Analog review calling it anti-science fiction prejudiced me.

I like his early books- Salem's Lot, The Stand, Eyes of the Dragon and so forth. His short stories are great.
I wonder what the gun hater S. King would think of this discussion?

I have no interest in S. King or the fantasy guns that he created, after his treacherousness.
I picked up a bunch of Stephen King books in one-dollar auction boxes back in the eighties. I was gypped. Firestarter got used for its obvious purpose. I doubt that his writing has improved over the years.

-And I'm not sure that I would want a firearm that was inspired by King's works.
I picked up a bunch of Stephen King books in one-dollar auction boxes back in the eighties. I was gypped. Firestarter got used for its obvious purpose. I doubt that his writing has improved over the years.

-And I'm not sure that I would want a firearm that was inspired by King's works.

I used his book Dream Catcher for that same purpose.
It seems like King tries extra hard to get his gun descriptions mangled. He mentioned a Colt Woodsman .38 in one book and he would have been better off not trying to describe the revolvers in the Dark Tower series.

The series was entertaining but the ending was real flub. KIng was just as unhappy with it as a lot of the readers..
I like his early books- Salem's Lot, The Stand, Eyes of the Dragon and so forth. His short stories are great.
I have all of his books in epub up to his book 11.29.63 (which, I thought was a very good read)
one thing I liked was his reoccurring use of Flagg as the bad guy. Dark Tower, Eye of the Dragon, The Stand
King never defines the specific cartridge or the model of Roland's guns in the series. He just calls them the big guns, and often makes a point of them being really big. They are .45 caliber, in some cartridge of his imagination.

This is because King knows less than nothing about guns and unlike Lee Child occasionally musters the decency not to pretend he does.
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