Soft Lead vs Hard lead

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So for a 100% hard lead (clip on wheel weight) projectile pushed to about 1600-2000fps I will need gas checks? I thought that they were only need with a softer lead composition.
The PSI & alloy BHN of your load determines when a Gas Check is needed. A fast burning powder can peak pressure to high at the start deforming the plain base bullet. A slower powder will give the same velocity but with less peak pressure. A gas check can just withstand more pressure. Lee's chart gives you an idea, but IMO is not totally correct. Lymans #2 alloy at a BHN of 15, would seem to handle all normal cast bullets loading, rifle and pistol when staying with in certain PSI ranges. With all this correct, you still need a good lube applyed correctly, that works
Thanks for the info. Do you mind linking to the Lee chart (or is it in their reloading manual?)...I looked but couldn't find anything. If it helps I plan to load .45-70 cast to just under 40,000 CUP (for Browning 1885). I am using Lyman 49Ed. which says to use gas checks for all loads (from what I have seen). Forgive my stupid questions as I am just getting started reloading and have yet to start casting. :)
Start with a larger diameter bullet in the first place. Missouri Bullets doesn't even know what Lyman #2 alloy contains.
I don't know why you feel the need to insult me, 243. In my post on the other thread you reference, I stated what many of those of us in the bullet casting biz consider as Lyman #2, which classically is 90-5-5 but these days, isn't. As I mentioned there, Lyman #2 is 2/6/92. For many of us in the biz, that is. Ask any modern caster what bullet alloy contains, and you'll most often hear "2/6" which, again, is the modern Lyman #2.

THR is a friendly forum and I have never felt the need to insult anyone here and won't start now.

I'm a busy guy and I'm done with this thread, so say whatever you care to. Doesn't matter one way or the other to us, 'cause we've got bullets to make and several tons of that good ol' modern Lyman #2 to pack and ship, 66 lbs. at a time for $1.67 per pound :)

And by the way, it isn't "Missouri Bullets", if you want to get particular about things.

MissouriBullet: Just got my softball order and so did my shootin buddy in 2 days and we're impressed, being in Kommie fornia good service is really appreciated, Thanks again, Joe.:)
Brad, there is always one in every pickel barrel, don't let it bother you.
We know you and your bullets and they are both great!
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