Something To Think About Actually Happened.

Feb 16, 2022
This wasn't a huge deal it just gave me the opportunity to stop and think.

I was leaving the gym today and as I walked out to my car I realized in an almost empty parking lot there was another car with two guys just sitting in the front seat parked right next to mine.

Spoiler Alert Nothing Happened.

I'm pretty sure they were just getting high but it gave me an opportunity to stop and think and ask myself how I was going to handle it.

That particular instance I didn't have a choice I had to walk between both cars to unlock mine. I didn't acknowledge the guys in the other car. I didn't speak to them. I just kep my eye on them. I also pulled out my OC spray and had it in my off hand. I have no idea whether they saw it or not. It wasn't my intent for them to see it.

I popped my hatchback before I walked between the two cars and dumped all the unnecessary stuff that I had in my hands into it. Then I shut the hatchback. I kept the OCS spray in my off hand. I unlocked my door, got in, shut and locked it immediately behind me and drove away.

I'm not trying to make something out of nothing. The likelihood of it having been something was probably about equal to me hitting the lottery.

It was just an opportunity to thank my way through a problem
[joke]Just casually without alerting or alarming them put your thumbprint on theiir taillight.
Cops do it for good luck. It's on the internet so it must be true. Bon jour.[/joke]

Seriously. Being aware of possibilities, but not alerting them, not alarming them, and not acting syspicious youreself, is a good way to go.
[joke]Just casually without alerting or alarming them put your thumbprint on theiir taillight.
Cops do it for good luck. It's on the internet so it must be true.
The funny thing is that rumor is all over the internet and I have yet to run into a cop that will confirm or deny.

Start a discussion here asking why cops do that and watch what happens
The funny thing is that rumor is all over the internet and I have yet to run into a cop that will confirm or deny.

Start a discussion here asking why cops do that and watch what happens

Cops do it but it's not for luck. It's to put their fingerprint on the vehicle in case they get shot. It's a holdover from the old days with no cameras. Some do it, some don't.
I see people sitting in cars near mine all the time, and yes, I remain observant, alert, and prepared to create distance.

I rarely write about them.
It's not like there's a plethora of new content in this subform is there?

I'll tell you what, you're the moderator. If you don't think that this discussion fits submission of this Sub Forum close it.

otherwise, if you have nothing substantive to add to the discussion maybe go someplace else?
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I would consider this a successful application of situational awareness. You observed the two men, prepared yourself as best you could in an awkward situation and made it home safely . Next time maybe there will be a parking place that doesn't allow someone to block your door or possibly near better lighting that may keep them away however I'm sure you've already considered this as part of the educational process. Thanks for posting, you did good.
I think that what was related in the OP was very worthwhile reading. The thoughts that went through his head and how he went about addressing his concerns was interesting. The fact that nothing happened is a good thing. But I like to see how other people think in those situations. Sorry that some folks feel what is ultimately a non event can't be educational. Perhaps it was a non event specifically because of how he acted.
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Sorry 5hat some folks feel what is ultimately a non event can't be educational.
I agree. We'll never know how many situations that could have had really bad outcomes never occurred because the potential victims had good situational awareness.

We can never quantify how many robberies, assaults, rapes, homicides or kidnappings never happened because the person with bad intent noticed the potential victim noticing him (or her, in the interest of DEI).

It's all just food for thought, and certainly is appropriate if we went to discuss all aspects of sefl-defense in ST&T.
The main reason that I posted this discussion is because this is a real thing that happened and it's a real thing that is likely to happen to any one of us and if it does happen to you you should have a plan for it.

There are a lot of homeless people in Colorado Springs who have vehicles and they basically live in parking lots and they move from one to the next to the next to the next.

I've mentioned it before but I park out away from the building. Where I was parked the parking lot was pretty empty. So out of all those empty spaces somebody deciding to park right next to my car blipped my radar and it should have blipped the radar of anybody here.

When you see something that blips your radar, you need to start thinking.

What am I seeing?

Is it really a threat?

What is my most advantageous reaction?

Oh damn, my hands are full. What about that?

I thought that was the reason we have these discussions here.
I've mentioned it before but I park out away from the building. Where I was parked the parking lot was pretty empty
I think that is important here. I park as close to building entrances as I can, and I am not concerned when others do to unless there is a reaon.. But one would have to wonder why a car out in the lot would have others pull in close.
I think that is important here. I park as close to building entrances as I can, and I am not concerned when others do to unless there is a reaon.. But one would have to wonder why a car out in the lot would have others pull in close.

I tend to park far away because parking is easier and I worry more about fender benders than attackers but I would agree that parking as close to building entrances as possible is the most Tactical decision. Limited transitional spaces, more people, more cameras and if something goes down inside I can escape quicker.
I would consider this a successful application of situational awareness. You observed the two men, prepared yourself as best you could in an awkward situation and made it home safely . Next time maybe there will be a parking place that doesn't allow someone to block your door or possibly near better lighting that may keep them away however I'm sure you've already considered this as part of the educational process. Thanks for posting, you did good.
I always park at the end of a row with the driver side not next to another space.
I think that what was related in the OP was very worthwhile reading. The thoughts that went through his head and how he went about addressing his concerns was interesting. The fact that nothing happened is a good thing. But I like to see how other people think in those situations. Sorry that some folks feel what is ultimately a non event can't be educational. Perhaps it was a non event specifically because of how he acted.
Just feel this is worth reposting. :)
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We've had this discussion before.

I think I'm better off parking farther away from the building in the emptiest part of the lot so that I have a good view of my vehicle as I'm walking up to it.

I also think it's ridiculous to park as close to the front door as I can and then go into the gym and do three to five miles on the treadmill.

I also insist on parking against the curb so that I don't have another idiot hit the front end of my car and crack the radiator.
This wasn't a huge deal it just gave me the opportunity to stop and think.

I was leaving the gym today and as I walked out to my car I realized in an almost empty parking lot there was another car with two guys just sitting in the front seat parked right next to mine.

Spoiler Alert Nothing Happened.

I'm pretty sure they were just getting high but it gave me an opportunity to stop and think and ask myself how I was going to handle it.

That particular instance I didn't have a choice I had to walk between both cars to unlock mine. I didn't acknowledge the guys in the other car. I didn't speak to them. I just kep my eye on them. I also pulled out my OC spray and had it in my off hand. I have no idea whether they saw it or not. It wasn't my intent for them to see it.

I popped my hatchback before I walked between the two cars and dumped all the unnecessary stuff that I had in my hands into it. Then I shut the hatchback. I kept the OCS spray in my off hand. I unlocked my door, got in, shut and locked it immediately behind me and drove away.

I'm not trying to make something out of nothing. The likelihood of it having been something was probably about equal to me hitting the lottery.

It was just an opportunity to thank my way through a problem
I've noticed after decades of observation that many people congregate their parked cars with others already there. Even if they're still in the cars. I would park my car out by itself in a far, empty corner of a parking lot. When I returned to my car after shopping there would be a half a dozen cars parked around mine.
Of course people just sitting in their vehicles parked next to other cars in a empty parking lot demands extra vigilance just because. Nothing wrong with being extra careful, better to be prepared than clueless.
I usually park far enough from the entrance I don't have other cars right next to me. I like to be able to see around the car when I get in and out, or load/unload.

I usually back in if there's an option, so it's easier to get out.