I really should have gone shoot skeet tonight

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Dec 26, 2002
Where does this begin? I was leaving a store tonight about 9:00 PM. A place where families and people with families would frequent. As I'm walking toward my car, a guy is walking in front of me and to the right. He won't stop blabbing. Something about some chicks car and the deal he got on a car. Wasn't really focusing on what he was saying but wasn't flat out ignoring him. As we get near my car which was sitting rather alone in a sparesly populated parking lot, I start going for my keys. Around this point I considered going back inside and calling police, but I really didn't want to turn my back to the person. He says something about a truck again as he's passing in front of my car and as I'm moving toward my car. In retrospect I perhaps should have kept walking and then backtracked a bit to my car. But I feign glancing toward the truck to take a quick glance at my six. He scoots around the front of my car toward the driver door. Small, shiny object, right hand. I step back and draw. Low ready position. He clearly sees what is in my hands and we look at each other for what seems like several minutes but couldn't have been more than a second or two. I break the silence with a "get the f&*% out of here". Don't clearly remember if it was before or after that direction that I warned him I would shoot. He proceeds to promptly make like Carl Lewis. A bit shaken up, I drove home. Should have called police, but my mind was "get somewhere safe." May yet still.

Lessons learned:

1. Don't let them know which car is yours if in doubt.
2. Glad I had something I knew would work, wish I had something a bit shinier so that it shows up better in the dark (Glock). I was concerned that he wouldn't be able to see exactly what was in my hands.
3. Remember to warn people early of your intent just to cover bases.

Other thoughts:

Did he think the suburban family man (which I am not) was an easy target?

If I remember any other details of interest, I'll let you know. Just remember, be aware of whats around you. The responsibility of being caught unaware is huge, even if they instigated.
Glad you're OK. Have you reported it to the police yet? I'd suggest you do so, in case the BG decides to report you as the aggressor, putting you in a bad light.
Shiny object was either a blade or he was giving me a free pen. Sorry about that, got into a late conference call I couldn't get out of. Preacherman, good point and taken.
MJRW, glad to hear your okay.

I think a call to local LEO to make sure your side of the story is recorded first is a necessary thing in todays legal climate.

After rereading your post I'm not sure I am clear on the intent of the perp?

Carjacking? Mugging? And like Mike, I'd like to know what the shiny object was?
It was too small to be a gun most likely. It was long and metal. Not really "shiny" per se. Its just the best way to get across metallic glint. Like I said, it was either a pen or a blade, it was being held behind the forearm. Since I never saw a move for it, I am assuming he had it out. This would fit with his position to me, in front of me and to the right. It was in his right hand. I had the same two questions about intent. I just didn't feel inclined to ask.
Other than calling the law I`d say you did ok. It`d let them know too so that hopefully they`ll be giving the lot the eye. Tonight it may be somebody`s mom walking through.

AFA as not looking like the average victim, these guys aren`t exactly brain surgeons.:rolleyes:
Once again, report this incident to the police.

Rule number one: Always carry. :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

Everytime I read this it reinforces to me that it can happen anytime, anywhere. I am pretty new to packing, but I try to carry everywhere I can legally. It takes more effort, but I will be glad I did, one day.

Be prepared. Stay on alert. At night, REALLY stay on alert.

Be prepared. Have a plan. Be in control. THINK.

Thanks for posting this. It will help the rest of us.
Wow, MJRW, glad you're safe! :cool:

There are a few more lessons to be learned from your tale. I'm saying this not to criticize you in any way (hey, you survived, didn't get your car stolen, and got home safely 'sall that matters for you), but for the benefit of others to help them think through similar situations.

1) If you walk to your car with your keys already in hand, you are better able to pay attention to what's going on around you.

2) Don't ignore a stranger who is invading your space and privacy. When he was walking with you and talking to you, he was checking you out as a victim. He was testing to see if you were aggressive and dangerous to him, or if you were submissive and safe to attack. Likewise, he was checking to see if you were alert, paying attention, etc, or if you were clueless and thus easy to get the drop on. If you had failed his 'safety test,' he would have kept going and been nothing more than an odd guy who talked to you in a parking lot once.

3) Don't ignore your instincts. Pretty sure that you were uncomfortable with the way this guy was acting at some point before you were completely alone with him. The point at which you considered going back inside was a bit late. That said, that you considered it at all puts you way ahead of most guys -- and your reason for continuing on made good sense too.

And of course, the positive lessons:

4) Have a gun, know how to use it.

5) Don't be afraid to use your voice. That's what it's there for.

Good job. Glad you got home safely.


A committment to avoidance, deescalation and deterrence is your number one option for personal security. -- Andy Stanford
Hmmmm. Now that everyone in Gen'l has had a chance to see this, I'm going to move it over to Strategies and Tactics. Look for it there...

And my mom asks everytime I visit are you carrying that thing again! Yes mom. I dont suppose you would say what shopping center, considering I'm going to Potomac Mills in 10 mins, G33 with me.

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