Sorry, I do not know where else to post this

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Nov 18, 2007
Near Ocala
In the legal forum, I recently began a thread discussing a pending law which would remove the citizenship and constitutional rights of any person suspected of assisting terror groups.

Without getting into the specifics of that thread, I ask that the mods and admins here consider the fact that it is nearly impossible to discuss lawmaking and constitutional issues without some measure of politics being included. Lawmaking is essentially a political process.

If we, as proponents of the RKBA, wish to be active and participate in the lawmaking process to protect our RKBA, a certain amount of political discussion MUST be had.

Please do not take this as some sort of challenge to the authority of the mods, as that is not what I am trying to do here. If the mods wish this to be a pure gun board, I can certainly respect that, but if we are to have a legal and activism discussion that is productive, there is going to be a certain amount of politics discussed.
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