Sound off Hi-Point fans!

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Aug 16, 2008
Back in the day there were Air Stream only RV couldn't stay there unless you had an Air Stream RV. We have matches where the 1911 is the order of the day. Then let's not forget cowboy action shooting. Pretty much like a "Trick or Treat" event with guns! I say we have special matches for Hi-Point pistols only with special recognition for the Hi-Point that had the prettiest paint job or the fanciest grips. Then we could have special rapid fire accuracy events starting at say 1000 meters. Special prizes for the most innovative use of a Hi-Point like hammering nails, use as a boat anchor etc. Then we could cap it all off by holding special classes for customization. Perhaps we could get folks like Gary Reeder or Doug Turnbull to turn out some models with case hardened finishes and class A engraving. We need to give the Hi-Point the recognition it deserves so lets hear it from you dyed in the wool Hi-Point fans!!!
The vids where they jam the bolts in the barrel are impressive. I want a carbine once they come down in price.
I don't own one and I have no plans to buy one simply because I do happen to value aesthetics a bit. As to them being butt-ugly, well ... my most favorite pet over the years was described in exactly that same way, one butt-ugly dog. I miss that dog. You should never love anything that can't love you back, and I loved that dog.

I have a Marine buddy (no such thing as an ex-Marine) and he recently bought a Hi-Point and he really likes it. And he knows his stuff. I told him I was developing a barrel insertion that would allow him to use it as a steady platform for a semi portable drill. He laughed a little and I should send him a prototype to test. I'm still working on but I'm having a problem with rate and direction of drill twist. Battery pack issue has been solved. On the spec sheet I call it the "electro mag".
It would be interesting to have a 1000 round endurance contest (weighted by total stoppages and total rounds on target) between .380, 9mm and .45 HiPoint pistols and carbines on one side and the high price spreads (Walther, Beretta, S&W, Kimber, etc) on the other.

New In the Box, as delivered by factory to consumer. Off-the-shelf generic ammo divided among ?Remington, Federal and Winchester.
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^^^ If a HiPoint is all they can afford Im guessing a 1000rds is waaay out of the question..
Yeah, they suck


Granted, this is from the carbine, but I'd never want to own the handgun - I mean with their lack of dependabilty and accuracy and all....besides, with all that plastic, they're likely to feel like a Glock. :what:
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I would really like to know if any of you guys shoot yours in a competition, like IDPA or IPSEC. I think that would really be interesting to see!
I've always wondered what makes people feel better about their gun, car, house, etc. by bashing someone else's they feel is inferior.

For what its worth, I'm fortunate to own firearms from all over the price spectrum including a Hi Point 9mm. Close to 2000 rounds through it with never a failure of any kind. I wouldn't hesitate to buy another if that's all I could afford.
I've always wondered what makes people feel better about their gun, car, house, etc. by bashing someone else's they feel is inferior.

For what its worth, I'm fortunate to own firearms from all over the price spectrum including a Hi Point 9mm. Close to 2000 rounds through it with never a failure of any kind. I wouldn't hesitate to buy another if that's all I could afford.

I'm constantly amazed that people will happily pay big $$$ for guns that need to be tuned and tweaked; then dismiss Hi-Points because they aren't World-Class pistols right out of the box.

They are boring firearms, though. Almost no add-ons, accessories, or modification to be had. About the only thing you can do with a Hi-Point is shoot it.

impressive shooting DeadFlies :eek:, distance?

Reminded me of the famous quote from Gorski vijenac
"U rukama Mandušića Vuka, svaka će puška biti ubojita" (In the hands of Mandušić Vuk, every rifle will be deadly)
With better sights and some trigger work, a Hi Point should do reasonably well in formal competition. The ones I have fired have been adequate in the accuracy department, and there is no problem with a lot areas that require extensive gunsmithing in the 1911, like bushing fit, linkdown time, etc. The weight (in .45) would be too much for most shooters, but some shooters would have no problem.

Hi-Point releases new models!!! I can hardly wait!

I hear Hi-Point is set to release their new "Quasimodo" line of pistols. They are going to market it with a new line of matching carbines called the "The Elephant Man".
impressive shooting DeadFlies :eek:, distance?

Reminded me of the famous quote from Gorski vijenac
"U rukama Mandušića Vuka, svaka će puška biti ubojita" (In the hands of Mandušić Vuk, every rifle will be deadly)


My first outing with the new Hi-Point. About 12 yards.
I've got a 9mm carbine. The newer TS version. I am quite pleased with it, other than it has a little bit of a clunky feel to it. I wouldn't mind having one of their hanguns too. I dont have a need, or a deep desire to go out and get one anytime soon. If I had money in my pocket and happened to come across one I might pick it up just for the novelty.
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