South Carolina CWP on campus update.

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Dec 30, 2002
Columbia, SC
Looks like a compromise has been me. I guess adding back one chip at a time is as effective as the one chip at a time approach that anti's have been using.

May 22nd, 2007:
GrassRoots leaders and Gorillas attended a meeting of the House Judiciary Committee which discussed H.3964 to allow CWP holders to carry on school & college campuses. It was a long meeting with very contentious debate. The committee amended the bill to allow firearms on school & college campuses only if remaining in the glovebox, console, trunk, or under the seat of a vehicle. The bill was amended so that CWP holders would still not be able to carry a firearm on their person while on campus. Read the letter by GrassRoots VP Rob Butler that was faxed to each member of the House Judiciary Committee
Gorillas get to go to meetings down there? Wow, things are getting a lot more progressive in the South if animals have those kinds of rights.:D

Just what good will this do?:confused: Does not this defeat the purpose of the bill? Pistols should be on your person, not in your car. Never understood the obession with guns in cars. It's like having your fire extinguisher in another house.:uhoh:
Actually, right now at work, I cannot have a firearm in my car to either go to the range at lunch time or hunting after work without commiting a felony. Sure, it does not give us what we went for, but it gives us what we have been fighting after for years. I cannot tell you how many parents are dropping off their children outside the school property everyday, and not getting in line due to current laws. At least this way, I can arm myself after I leave work and stop somewhere on the way home.

Now South Carolina's legislators need to legislate against murdering people on school grounds except while they are "in the glovebox, console, trunk, or under the seat of a vehicle."

Perhaps the legislators could impose severe penalties on anyone who murders anyone on school grounds except in such places.

It might further reduce targeted shootings in schools. Bigger "Gun Free Zone" signs could help too.

Speaking of which, did anyone else notice that there were no photos of "Gun Free Zone" signs at Virginia Tech, Columbine, or other schools in which there were mass murders? I think that the administrations of those schools were clearly negligent in not having a lot of those signs posted all over their campuses.

Good signage might have prevented those murders by puttting the murderers on notice that what they were doing was illegal and subject to severe federal, state, and local penalties. The signs say so.


With really good signs there would be no need for law enforcement officers. You folks in South Carolina probably should contact your legislators to demand more signs and fewer cops.
Nothing ever good came out of a committee. We had a great bill go in, and one with its teeth yanked out exit.

But, at least it is a small step...
But, at least it is a small step...

Really small, like I wasn't already leaving my gun in the car (trunk safe actually). The bill failed to achieve its objective, but the small compromise measure probably would not have passed on its own without the VT shooting. They threw us a bone, which did actually allow a CCW license holder to at least be on campus without leaving his gun at home, disarmed to and from.

Actually, this is interesting, because I had never interpreted the law regarding Clemson as prohibiting leaving my gun secured in the car. A State highway also passes within 10 feet of the campus. Give me a break. Now that concern is gone.
It's a small step, but it is a step. Would more be better? Of course, but I wont turn my nose up at this one. A better next step would for this to apply everywhere, I'd actualyl take it applying everywhere before I'd take being allwoed to carry on a campus/schools grounds
This is really disappointing. I thought we had a great bill, now it's pretty much worthless. It doesn't help at all. How the hell did it get neutered like this? I didn't think there were enough liberals in the state to block it. :(
I didn't think there were enough liberals in the state to block it.

It appears that getting a gun bill passed in Columbia is no easy matter, because they always seem to defer to SLED, which has regulatory authority with no guidelines other than "shall issue" on CWPs.
This is really disappointing. I thought we had a great bill, now it's pretty much worthless. It doesn't help at all. How the hell did it get neutered like this? I didn't think there were enough liberals in the state to block it

You didn't hear? The Kampus Kops fussed about it and wailed until it got its guts cut out in committee.
"Nothing ever good came out of a committee."

I believe it was Lazarus Long who said that "a committee is an organism with six or more legs and no brain."
Doesn't surprise me that USCPD didn't want this passed. You can thank Majors Grabski and Wuchenich for that, and probably Director Ellis as well.

This would have helped me immensely while I was attending USC. I worked as a PI while I was in school and I carried when working. With the law the way it was, I either had to park off campus if I worked before or after school, or drive all the way home between work and class to drop it off.

USCPD used to have storage lockers so students could keep firearms at the PD, but when they moved to their current building they didn't keep the lockers. Students are SOL if they live on campus.
Wuchenich! Ha! He wanted me to become a constable so I could work the football games and carry when ever I wanted! He does have that "Us only" atitude, but I still like him as a person. Great to work with, I guess as long as your in a different University department. I built the PD traning room for him. When we were debating the CWP on campus, he asked me, "How are my guys supposed to know who the bad guy is when they show up?" I told him that the bad guy would be the corps on the floor and my gun would already be out of their sight reholstered. That simple.
It's all academic since the state govt down here won't give me a CWP anyway or recognize the one I already have.
Man, you Citadel guys are dangerous enough as it is. All the lowcountry residents are already haveing to lock up their daughters when school starts, how is one supposed to keep you guys from sneaking thru our daughters bedroom windows if you're armed too! :neener:
True enough... Could always look at it this way though:

"We're GOING to be going out with your daughters anyway, so we might as well be able to more effectively defend them...":cool:
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