SOuthern Trading

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I found that site last month myself ..they have good prices ..but no pictures ..Kinda scary ..although they aren`t too far from me .
Would like to know more myself what brand guns do they sell .
I was hopeing to find someone that had done business with them ..I know when things look to good to be true , they usually are . I done got bit once by you know who ..trying to be more careful these days .
I was looking at the prices they claim for different revolvers. The prices look to good to be true. A Lemat for under 600? A 1851 Navy Reb for 125?

I used to preach to my kids when they were little that when something looked to good to be true, it was too good to be true.

I really have my doubts about this. but if it turns out to be for real I am ordering something, lol
Guys, I am from that area and was a Deputy there for 8 years. Unless this place poped up in the last year I have been deplyed over seas, there is no storefront in that town that consists of three store fronts and a couple churches. Now it could be out of someones home but I am and was pretty conected to the guy cirlces. What is the peoples name? I will see what I can find out.

I thought that I'd seen on one of their pages some names but couldn't find it again. I got the numbers off their website and you did say earlier that you'd tried them and that they were bogus BBG. You have to wonder why someone would go to all the bother and not carry through.
I sent an e-mail to a good friend of mine and he is going to see what he can find out about this place. He knew nothing off the top of his head and he was born and raised in Elkmont.

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