Sp101 DA function

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Nov 8, 2007
Does Da travel start with the hammer dog being pushed up and back by the upper surface on the trigger? Is the load then transfered to the Da sear below on the hammer and trigger which then releases it?

JohnKSa posted
"31. Inspect the hammer dog (no number) and dehorn it. Buff the bottom rear surface (long end). This surface mates with the DA cam and must be smooth.
That cam needs to have a bit of roughness to catch and hold the hammer dog. If you polish it too much, it can start dropping the hammer dog too soon and you can reduce the DA travel of the hammer. That can cause light DA hits. Be careful about messing with the top of the cam. Likewise, if the end of the hammer dog is buffed too much, it can have the same effect."

I have worked on my SP101 and smoothed out the trigger nicely. When I compare my SP to new ones in the store I noticed that the very small amount of travel after cylinder lock up and before the hammer falls has been removed or shortened on mine.

Should I roughen up the DA cam on the top of the trigger with 400 grit paper or replace the hammer dog?
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