Sp101 grips.

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Dec 13, 2010
I have a 2.25" sp101 with the Hogue Grips. They are super comfortable with even the most powerful loads. But they can be a bit of a pain in just a t-shirt in my Kholster.

Does anybody know where you can get the original grips but with the wood inserts? Or a place that may sell custom wood inserts for the stock grips? They are pretty and much easier to conceal.
Also, as a carry gun would it be worthwhile to get the CT grips? Never had a laser, but I like the idea.

Any input?

Seems a big form vs function for me. I sure like pretty, but it's a carry gun and I don't want to be scared to get it dirty either.
My wife has a set of CT grips on her J frame and I like them. They fit my hand well and I could see where they might come in handy. I have thought about buying a set for my SP101 but never have mainly because of cost.

As far as wood inserts for the SP101 I have made several different sets over the years and they are a nice touch. I Made my own because I wanted a litter wider grip and made a set a little on the fat side to increase the width of the grip a little. I like the more tradition dark wood myself.
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