Spare AK Parts?

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Nov 25, 2006
Northeast PA, USA
Which AK parts are known to need replacing most often?
Which ones wear out or break most often?

If you were going to stock up on spare parts for an AK "just in case" they might no be available in the future, which parts would you buy?

I have all the Mags I need so no need to put them on the list, just rifle parts please.
Springs wear and break, though it doesn't happen often on an AK. Pins get lost. I'd buy both and add an extractor and a firing pin or two. I have heard of occasional firing pin breakage, but mostly due to dry firing. That said, I've never managed to break anything on any of my AKs and they get a lot of use.
No spare parts have ever been manufactured for the AK. AKs never need them. In fact, the only one who could make a spare part for the AK would be the original manufacturer. Chuck Norris produces 3700 perfectly formed AKs every time he blows his nose. His sneezes produce AKs with da switch. Spare parts could only be produced by Chuck Norris picking his nose. Which he never does. Ever.
im wondering the same thing, and thinking about stocking up in case a ban or something else crazy happens. Anyone know roughly how long a barrel on an ak is good for?
Barrel life can be many tens of thousands of rounds if you don't overheat the barrel by firing long shot strings. Heat is the big killer of barrels.
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