Springfield M1903A1 Sight Problem


Dec 9, 2021
I have a Springfield M1903A1, built in 1931. As far as I know, the leaf sight is original to the rifle. I don't shoot it much anymore because of the recoil and the hard-to-use sights. I can handle the recoil with a slip-on pad, but at age 70 I can't see well through the (e) peep hole for shots 100-200 yards out. I'm considering buying second leaf sight and drilling out the peep hole, but I keep coming across different sight "types". I just found one that's a "type 7".

1. Can I assume all M1903 and M1903A1 leaf sights will fit on my rifle?
2. Anyone have any other suggestions?

Thanks for your input.
I think you are on the right track with the larger rear aperture.
A replacement sight that you could swap apertures on would be a great “test bed” for the experiment, leaving your vintage 03 un molested.

These days I carry a bag of drug store glasses in different powers to the range. I use the pair that make the front sight crystal clear and the target fuzzy.
They sell them in powers of 1.5 – 3.0.
This may be too vague of an answer, but there has been a guy on Commercial Row who sells tiny lenses for aperture sights on 1903’s and other vintage rifles at the National Matches at Camp Perry. Your solution is out there!
I've tried a few aperture enhancements with my M1 and M16 rifles with varining success. You just have to try diffenent models to see what works for you.

Once you find the magic platform, you should not have to change things.