Springfield XD Question..

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Feb 2, 2007
Outside Nashville, TN
How to know if.. your XD is a new one/melonite finish? I have searched, and seen the Melonite finish thread, but I didnt want to hijack that person's thread..

I am kind of new to Auto's - And I am about to buy an XD 40 SC, and my friend told me he has got a friend who is a dealer and can get me one a whole lot cheap than MSRP -

My question is how do you know if it is a new XD? Do all of the Melonite finish Subcompacts come with a flush and extended magazine, the bore thing, lock, holster, and two mag holster in a hard XD case?

Also, I saw where you could look at the Date [DD/MM/YYYY] and if it past July 06 [00/7/2006] then it has the new finish.. this correct?

Is there away to look at the Serial Number and know?
Note the SN and call Springfield - they can tell you for sure...

For now - look at the date on the test-fire cartridge envelope included in the packaging... if it was in late '06 chances are good it is the newer finish.

ALSO - if it comes with the XD Gear - it is probably a new finish as well...
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