Spy drones added to Britain's "surveillance society"

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pachodelahoya said:
Gee Wally, Can't they just, you know, vote those big dummies out of office?

Unfortunately, as already pointed-out, many in Britain want the CCTV. Many times when I've been watching the news with my family, and there would be say a segment on the DNA database or similar Orwellian measures with which I would disagree, my dad for instance would get quite angry and basically just argue "but it will stop crime and that's the end of it. I've got nothing to hide!" This attitude is quite quite common. I would say that we're a nation already subdued by our government. Just waiting on the lower brainstem utopia chips...
It's so bizarre. From other articles I read, I gather that they don't actually punish violent criminals in the UK any more. So what's the point of getting a rape, murder, or assault on tape if they're just going to issue a stern verbal rebuke to the perp anyway?
Look at the bright side they will be monitored by civil servants. Just how effective will they be.
Q. How far do you lead a Drone?
A Focus on leading edge of Tyranny, match angle and speed of flight, swing through until you see the light of Freedom , slap trigger and follow through with swing.

I shoot from low gun, and I don't call for the targets.

Anybody know a good recipe for Drones? :evil:
my dad for instance would get quite angry and basically just argue "but it will stop crime and that's the end of it. I've got nothing to hide!"

I'm sure the streets of the Soviet Union were quite clear of thugs. Police states have a tendency to be that way.

Until the state becomes the biggest thug of all.
Next time he says he has nothing to hide, take all his clothes to the Salvation Army dropoff overnight.
Thank heaven for the eye in the sky. Now crime will never again occur! All praise to Big Brother.
I think the Muslim answer is far more likely than anything else.

But, how do you stop the Muslim invasion? They'll do what they do. They'll either be cool, and calm down, and decide not to jihad, and enjoy their scones and Earl Grey, or they'll blow the country up. Cameras won't have anything to do with it.

I believe this though.

It's cameras, and increased police powers for one reason alone. If it was guns in the hands of Britons, the Britons would make sure the Muslims either become British, or leave. But, if the jihad ensued, and the Brits won, methinks they'd seriously change their government (because their government are the ones who allowed in the enemy at the gates).
Anything against a private person owning and using Drones?

No, they are called remote controlled airplanes. You know, model airplanes. You can get a cheap one for about $50-$60 or so at Harbor Freight, but I don't know how long they would last. Depending on how much money you want to spend, they can be small or pretty large, actually. The only thing is that you could run into FAA regs if you try to build them too big or fly them near airports too much.

But you could build a decent sized remote controlled aircraft, or drone, if you will.
Where's "V" when you need him?


Justin said:
P U L L !

ROFL! That was great!


kcmarine said:
Thank God for George Washington. We'd be dealing with the same thing if it weren't for his army...

Oh, don't be so comfy. I'll try to keep this as Highroad as I can but...there are literally a few million scumbags right here, right now in this country that want what England has. There are many "Americans" slobbering in envy over this form of police-statism.

We're dealing with it alright, we're just slightly behind England. They are more "progressive" remember....so things like this get accomplished sooner on that side of the Atlantic. Most U.S. cities, and now, even little old retirement Florida, has cameras popping up everywhere. Always starts with "good intentions" like how they are there merely for traffic. To help the city control traffic and flow. Surely enough, it becomes accepted that it could be used for other purposes. Like crime-fighting. The slippery slope then begins, and society goes down that downward spiral.

It is irrelevant what I am about to say, as all that matters is what is happening - not necessarily why. But I believe it isn't a slippery slope. It isn't something that was truly made with good intentions, and then "human nature" or the nature of mankind or society slowly corrupts it. I believe these things are established, from day one with a sinister goal in mind. Maybe that's the conspiracy theorist in me speaking, or maybe I've just seen too many examples already in our nation's history and to me it is a common pattern?
Damn, I'm glad we had a revolution. If the children in DC continue on with their misguided behavior I think we'll have another one too.
Don't Tread on Me,

How long before those with their heads in the sand pop up to tell you to adjust your tinfoil hat?
Voting them out of office does nothing. They have no written Constitution. They have a Parliamentary form of gov't so it's a "Democracy" - only the gov't officials vote - which is the bane of liberty.

The Crown runs the show and the PM answers to the Crown - as do all of the other officials. The Crown is not the Queen. The Queen is a member of the Crown.
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