Star Pistols

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Knew someone who CCW'd a firestar for a while. Incredibly heavy for its size. Seemed to function fine.
I have given some thought to picking up one at a local shope... it is the Star BM.... feels good... quite tempting...
I've got a Star BM in 9mm that will not feed hollow points at all, but with FMJ it runs like a champ. It is a great plinker, but strictly a range gun.
My Star BM


When I had my BM (about 20 years ago) it seemed to not like hollowpoints. I was going thru a divorce at the time and had a friend who craved an auto pistol; and, I needed the $$. So, I sold it. I think, in retrospect, that all it needed was a good ramp job.

In point of fact (is that good English?!), the whole Browning design was intended for hardball. So, we are sort of trying to improve on a design which has in my opinion been already improved upon, i.e. the Star M28 and M30. Both functioned without fault for many, many rounds when I had them.

If you know a good pistolsmith you might query him (her) about ramping your piece.

Star Gunners,

If you are needing parts for Star Pistols, try Numrich or Sarco. Depending upon the piece in question, parts are pretty much available currently...all except new frames.

Star BM sorta fills my itch for a 9mm 1911 until someone like RIA or Taurus makes a reasonably priced one. Kimber and SA have them but ~$800 for a pistol who's only purpose is to shoot cheap ammo just doesn't make sense to me. Mine shoots well, very good trigger not so great sights.

Back when they were $150-170 I got two, one to shoot one for spare.

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