Star modelo B pistol-new barrel?

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Oct 10, 2006
I've been upgrading my star model B 9mm (9x19 not largo) pistol with some new wolf springs, a new cold-blue job (looks way better than the original blue touched up with black russian paint) new walnut grips...

I want to get it a new barrel or two but don't know where to look, I know where to get used barrels and parts. I've read that there were some star model B pistols offered on .380ACP or chambered/made to shoot either caliber. If this is true I'm interested, since .380 is weaker, it would be a great way to have the Sig-Other move up from a .22 or 25acp to a 9mm or even 45.

So to sum it all up; Where can I get a NEW barrel for my star B?

So, should I just give up and get a 1911 in 9mm to replace my star? Here's a pre-rebluing photo, but with the same grips. you can see where around the grips the russians painted it. It looks 100% better now, once I figured out that I needed to use the superblue, the standard wouldn't work. THe barrel it has is fine, I just was hoping to get a new one or two...


  • star9mm.JPG
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Maybe you could load some 9x19 ammunition to 9x17 levels?

duh:banghead: :banghead:

Sometimes I just don't think of easy solutions. Thanks.

The barrel is in great shape, I just wanted to get a spare or throw on a new one for the heck of it. (and have one in 380 if possible) But it does it's job just fine. The only real issue I've had (after atleast 4000 rds) was at the range when the barrel bushing broke and flew down range along with some other parts. I should have known something was up when the last group of 8 before it broke went from a normal inside the 10 ring group to barely inside the figure group. The early ones were aparently 2-pieces joined, it split down the seams at 5 and 7 o'clock. I got a newer one-piece bushing on line (from the 70's instead of the 40's) and it's a better fit and shooting tighter groups that before:)
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