Stockpiling components

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Looks like I'll be buying some primers this weekend. We're still at $27.90/1000 for CCI 400's & I think CCI 500's but its been a week or so since I've been in.
If everybody would just go vote, and vote him out of office, we wouldn't have to worry about a primer/components shortage.

Just my .02,
OK, that ^^^, I can understand but can I still tell my wife there's gonna be shortage so I can justify spending money on extra components????? ;)
I'll get to see the situation here in Louisiana tomorrow when I visit Bass Pro Shops. Hopefully it wont be it hasn't gotten out of hand yet...
In the last week I have seen primers priced at---$42 per K------$54 per K--. I don't buy at those places as their prices are highway robbery. The Tulsa Gun Show is coming up soon and it is a good place to stock up. Remember to register to vote.
I always tell my wife that if she finds something she likes that she needs to buy two of them. Several items that I have used for many years have gone out of production in the past year and I regret not stocking up on them. Prices for most reloading components have gone up at least 50 percent in the past five years. With the nation being so divided and the stupidity of the administration in power I don't expect things to get any better! BW
Some people just can't be happy with $4 a gallon gas

Gentlemen -

If you'll think back, up until "Fast & Furious" the Obama administration never did anything about guns or reloading supplies. That's a fact. Even the non-resale of military brass issue was reversed in very short order. If there was EVER a reloading supply issue it was because hair-brained reloaders ran scared and believed every internet rumor they heard. In short, if reloading supplies ever were hard to get it was because reloaders screwed themselves with all the rumor mongering and hoarding.

I have made it my business to track the price of primers over the last 9 months. The fact is, the price of primers is actually dropping and continues to fall. This even though participation in reloading as a hobby has probably doubled over the last 4 years.

IMHO, all this pin-headed "chicken little" rumor spreading is VERY un-High Road behavior of the very worst type. If I were a Mod on this board, those posting such rumors above would be loosing their log-on privileges, because they clearly should. That loose talk does NOT serve the members of this forum, nor does it help the reloading community.
Lil dragon, you should skip that bass pro and hit the cabelas over there if you are after reloading stuff. That bass pro has exactly 1 aisle for handloading.
Personally I stockpile for 2--2 1/2 years of use ahead just to assure I will not run out of supplies when I need them. Yes primers are the most wanted item and definitely were during the last supply pothole. So I always make sure I have on hand what I need for the immediate future.
So rfwobbly we have a friend at 1600? Can we expect to see him or his AG speak at the NRA convention this year?
Go ahead and believe what you want but don't pee down my back and tell me it's raining. If he is re elected it will be the darkest 4 yrs in American gun ownership.
If Bam is not re-elected then November through January will be regulatory and administrative nightmare months. If he is re-elected then the following four years will be nightmare years. Short period or long period, he will have no incentive to give lip service to the Constitution or even act as if the Constitution existed.
It still exists, we just have to vote in politicians who respect it, and vote out those who do not. It is our job to do so, and we are falling down on the job.

But, since we do not do politics here, lets stay on topic.

It is a bit too late to start "stockpiling/hoarding" if there is going to be another run, and depending on who wins in November, it could happen. If we start making big panic purchases of components now, the suppliers will just lick their chops and raise prices now, instead of later.

A little extra here and there is all you need, and soon you will have a nice little stock of components that can carry you for a few months if need be. :)

IMHO, all this pin-headed "chicken little" rumor spreading is VERY un-High Road behavior of the very worst type.

No rumor mongering as to what happened to the price and availability of reloading components as a result of the 2006 and 2008 elections. It is a fact, and making our fellow members on this site aware of it, and the possible reoccurrence of this scenario in 2012 and 2013, is VERY High Road!

If I were a Mod on this board, those posting such rumors above would be loosing their log-on privileges, because they clearly should.

Thank G*d for small favors.


The people panic buying aren't the problem. The profiteers that raise prices simply because of the political unrest are the problem.
The same inflation that has hit food, gasoline, health insurance and higher education has also hit reloading supplies. The feds keep printing money and sending it into the system to pay for medicare and medicade costs. All this money has caused inflation on prices even though the administration is keeping interest rates down. Sooner or later even the slowest individuals will figure that out! BW
I stocked up before Hussein and made it through the shortages just fine. Just received an order from PV for 23K primers and 24 lb powder, and expect to weather the next shortage. Do as you will but I refuse to be raped by the profiteers when things get tight.
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If there was EVER a reloading supply issue it was because hair-brained reloaders ran scared and believed every internet rumor they heard. In short, if reloading supplies ever were hard to get it was because reloaders screwed themselves with all the rumor mongering and hoarding.

Ummm... ever heard of AB962? It was pretty real. And the EPA tried to ban lead ammo completely.

Here in Kalifornistan we have a lot of legislators who would love nothing better than to disarm the law abiding populace. They figured out that pricing ammo out of our reach is the next best thing.

Of yes... send me all that SPP .45ACP brass. You can run SRP in it ya know. ;)
It's true that when we use crystal balls to predict the future sometimes we wind up eating broken glass. That said, my .02: I wouldn't fault the OP if he decided to gradually get himself ready to go it alone without resupplying components or live ammunition for six to nine months. Only he knows what his burn rate would be, which would inform the amount of components and live ammo he would ultimately stock for his recreational weekend use. I also would not fault others who are ready to go it alone for much longer
than that, even several years. I do not share the sentiment that folks who see danger and urge precaution should be chided or banned from this site.
I got caught lacking in the last shortage, I don't consider myself a hoarder. Now I usually try to keep 5K small pistol, 5K large pistol, 3K small rifle, 2K large rifle, and 3k 209 primers on hand with about enough powder to use them up.
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