Stop the Silly War Dance About the AWB Expiration

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Hey, no matter how much we celebrate and rave, the news media is going to ignore us anyway so, why not party?
I feel like a [insert person of non Christian religious preference] on Christmas.

:( :banghead: :fire:

(Thanks to my ultra sensitive and sympathetic friend Dan Flory for that one) ;)
An average Joe with some $$$ to burn most certainly CAN buy an MG.

I took a friend and my wife to the range on friday. On the way back (an hr drive) my friend asked me about the assault weapon ban, and I started talking to him about it. (He's a fairly new shooter who I've been mentoring, teaching, and letting use my toys) He saw a guy shooting an AR at the range and was confused by it, as he thought they were illegal before the ban. Then my wife chimed in and ask if its possible to buy a machinegun too. I told yes it is. She said "I want one, I think they would be fun, how much are they?" I told her she had better start saving her nickels and dimes, paying for one is one thing, feeding it is another. (The two of them had burned through about $100 worth of ammo just through bolt action rifles and semiauto handguns that day)

I think I may have created a monster:evil: :cool: :D
I will celebrate that OEM magazines, pre-ban were $17.95, during the ban were $90.00, may now come down to a reasonable and competitive price.
I have personally talked to 5 people who were pretty sure that they supported the AWB. They are not so sure anymore. We law abiding folks should never be ashamed to publicly express our opinions or positions on any political subject, even including guns. If people who know little or nothing about firearms receive opinions from good people they know and trust, this helps innoculate them from the constant drum beat of the anti gun politicians and media. It isn't easy, but the fight for liberty and freedom will always be a battle we must win at all costs.

Celebrating a victory publicly, in the proper manner, will help, not hurt us. I didn't run out and fire my AR-15 wildly into the air. While that may have felt good, it may have scared the bejeezus out of a few neighbors. I did let them know that I was very pleased that a "useless" piece of legislation, passed for political, not public safety reasons, and which only affected the rights of law abiding citizens such as myself, has died as it should.

I didn't get any arguments. I think the supposedly, overwhelming support was only because many people didn't really understand the law, but were instead influenced by the language of Clinton, Sarah Brady, Schumer, Feinstein, Kerry, and their buddies in the anti gun media. Most Americans, however, are still rational beings and if they have issues explained in terms that they can be made to understand, can be informed and change their beliefs accordingly. I've seen it happen.
Everyone should write a letter to the editor to the effect of, "I went to the gun store to buy an Uzi, and they said they were illegal. I asked about an AK47, and was told those were illegal, too. I asked about mortars and rocket launchers. Those are illegal.

They did show me a rifle with a muzzle brake, that apparently makes it more stable and shoot better. That's legal now. Is that what this ban was about ? $5 slotted tubes that screw on the end of a gun? Where's the machineguns?"

And I agree that increasing CCW is a good thing. And the decline of the ban. "AL Qaeda will come over and buy machineguns at a gun show and have 13 year olds shoot up a school and throw grenades and carry them concealed and no one wil be able to stop them!"

Add the "OH, NO! The ban's not OVER! IT's coming back! And better! You'll see! I'll get my big brother! He can beat up YOUR brother!" rhetoric is a great help.

The longer no one goes on a rampage with a flamethrower ;) the better we look and the stupider they look.

Is it too much to hope that suicidal idiots have figured out that they don't get any respect by killing their coworkers?
[analogy] Bush is against Kerry, and Kerry against Bush. Neither person can appease the other, they will both always be out to get each other (until the election is over). Neither candidate can stop the other from attacking, but what they each try to do is keep the other guy unarmed. If Bush does not do anything stupid all Kerry can do is shoot blanks (like bringing up his service record). If Bush where to be caught in bed with young boy then it would be like handing Kerry a 44 Magnum. [/analogy]

Some people seem to think that the antis will just go away, and the media will leave us alone if we stay quite. That is completely wrong. Politics does not work that way. Like politicians we can not make our opponents go away. We only have to be afraid of them getting some good arguments(ammo) to use against us.

Next thought.

If one group is quiet or limits themselves do defense, people will naturally think the group making the attack has the right premiss. Sort of like the "you do not need an AK-47 to hunt deer" argument. Even if you win the "yes you can hunt some animals with an AK-47" battle, you lost war by letting the hunting premiss get by. Many of our guys have argued that AWs are not machine guns, not used in crime, etc, etc. We lost the "we should be allowed to own serious hardware" premiss. We got away with it this time because we kept our guns that Joe blow thinks is really dangerous, and the sky will not fall.

If we made a push for rights on the federal level we would change people's minds and the overall argument to one more in our favor. "If it harms no one else, do as ye will." We need to make the antis play defense. Let them come up with stupid arguments as to why we should not have certain freedoms. There are things we could come up with that no anti would oppose. If we did that they would either stay quiet or make fools of themselves, and we would gain momentum.

Many people operate on the premiss of need, if the majority felt that way we would be done for. Luckily we live in a reality where unless people think the sky will fall, they will not get off their butts to take away our rights.
Appeasement didn't work for Neville Chamberlain against the Nazis, and appeasement won't work for us against statist gun banners. It never works against those who want to take away your rights. It has quite the opposite effect -- encouragement.

Nor will meekly accepting our gains do us any good. We SHOULD trumpet our victories. We need to make the American public aware that we are not some fringe minority. We are their fathers, mothers, sons and daughters. We are everywhere and we will no longer be a silent majority that will passively sit by and watch while a relatively small number of extremists impose their social engineering upon us.

MOLON LABE! Don't say it with a whimper, say it with a ROAR!!!!!
We have been losing for forty years. I think a couple of weeks of enjoyment are in order.

I can't wait for the next happy dance in November. I want to see the anti-gun dem party completely out of power.
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