Stories on the net after the fact

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Dec 4, 2007
So, I was flipping through a few posts as I usually do and something came to mind after following a few links today.

It seems like a lot of the news stories now which get posted on the net, including things such as burglary, home invasion, and defensive shootings now has the exact address of the location both in text and on some sort of map (such as google).

Maybe it's just me but in the light of such incident; say, I just fended off a bg with a firearm, the last thing I want is for some two bit newsguy to make a buck off my troubles and let anyone who keeps an eye out my location.

Does this bother anyone else that they do that?

Also, should something like this happen, is there any way to prevent such information from being released?
Call the editor, ask the police not release your address (but realize it can show up in court documents and the police report) So call the local editor, say I don't mind you saying the neighborhood, but please don't say where I live, I've got a wife and family, and don't need this guys two bit hommies showing up on my door step.
Well, the thing that bothers me is when there's a google map in the story telling the exact address and showing the graphical representation of the location.

It just seems irresponsible especially when you consider that although we'd like to think so, not all criminals are stupid.
Does this bother anyone else that they do that?

A bit similiar..... and I was very bothered.

In 2004, as a police officer, I was forced to shoot and kill a bank robber on a Friday afternoon. At church on Sunday (about 36 hours later) the pastor asked me if I was the officer involved. I quietly acknowledged that I was. About 10 minutes later, during the announcements, he found it appropriate to tell the congregation (about 400 people) that I had killed a bank robber.

I do not believe that he had ill intent but regardless of the fact that it was a church, it was very inappropriate. Though now common knowledge and anyone can look it up on the internet, it was not public information 36 hours after the fact.

Whether they are required to or not, people, including news outlets, should exercise some common decency and discretion.

Relating this to strategies and tactics, it is simply best to tell others that you'd rather not discuss it right now. If the news stations show up, ask your neighbors to withhold comment if you can. If you can minimize the story, it will go away. This can keep the unwanted attention and vulnerability from being exacerbated.
Here I just usually hear about such and such happening in the xhundred block of main street. Which is enough for the BG or their kin to figure it out, but I haven't noticed the phenomena of which you speak.

Gotta say, it would bother me though.
And their kin wouldn't know where he died if it wasn't for the media? Pretty sure they would find out from the police what happened and where.
The news media doesn't care what is right or wrong, only what sells. If by them giving out your address results in something else happening, well then they get to report on that as well. They win regardless if good or evil wins.
I got bad news for you, brother.

Just as the Second Amendment protects our right to keep and bear arms...

The First Amendment protects the press's right to publish the address of an incident.

Sorry, friends. The press is constitutionally protected to report the facts.
We gotta learn to live with it.
Just as anti-gunnies must learn to live with the fact that we own guns.

No, I don't like that any more than you do.
We can cry all we want.
But the free press is a constitutional protection that shall not be abridged.
If you are worried about the buddies of a dead homie finding out where he died, I'm pretty sure they won't need a news article for that.

I guess I don't see the big deal. "Where" is one of the cardinal inclusions in a good news story. It always has been and always will be.
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