Stripped front sight base screw

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Feb 9, 2010
The front screw on my Buck Mark sight base has become stripped. Any fixes for this besides taking it to a gunsmith? 3/32" is the size Allen wrench, I believe.
For a temporary fix that works well.
Wax the threads of the screw lightly with parifin or Johnsons Paste Way and pit a drop of JB Weld in the hole, then thread the screw back in and let the epoxy set up.
When it sets up, the screw will still be removable, but not as durable as having it drilled out and rethreaded properly.
Wax any parts that you do not want the Epoxy or JB Weld to stick to, like your barrrel, or sight base.

Start out with metric set of Allen's.
The next one bigger metric then 3/32" Fractional (2.5mm) should do it.

Torx will do it for sure.

It just has to be enough bigger you can displace a little metal when you drive it in.

Replace the set screw. It is a hardware store or chain and gear store item. Should cost less then a dollar.
A new screw will not be available at the hardware store. It should be 6-48 which is a standard gun screw, not available at the corner store. Check with your local gunsmith. If you walked in my shop, I would give you one.
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