Student loses ruling on gun shot icon

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May 8, 2003
Reno, Nevada
links & text of the story! thats how we roll here at thr!

By Christine Kearney

NEW YORK (Reuters) - A U.S. school was justified in suspending a teenager for using an Internet icon of a pistol firing a bullet and a message urging the death of his English teacher, a federal appeals court ruled on Thursday.

The court turned down an appeal by the parents of Aaron Wisniewski, who had sued the local board of education and its superintendent claiming the student should not have been suspended for a semester because the image was protected speech, not a threat.

Wisniewski, who attended Weedsport Middle School in New York state, created the image used in sending instant messages to his friends in 2001 that included an image of a pistol firing a bullet at a person's head, splattered blood and the words "Kill Mr. VanderMolen."

VanderMolen was the boy's English teacher.

The icon "crudely" suggested his teacher "should be shot and killed" and it was "reasonably foreseeable that Wisniewski's communication would cause a disruption within the school environment," the Second Circuit Court of Appeals ruled, agreeing with a lower court judge's initial ruling.

Lawyers for Wisniewski had argued that since he sent the message from home the image was not a threat and said a police investigator and psychologist both concluded that it was meant as a joke.

The U.S. Supreme Court last week issued its first major ruling on student free-speech rights in nearly 20 years. The court's conservative majority ruled that a high school principal did not violate a student's rights by confiscating a banner that read "Bong Hits 4 Jesus" for promoting drug use and suspending the student.
now what's really sad about this story, is not that he lost the case, or that, somehow his 1st amendment rights have been infringed... what's truly sad, is that his parents DIDN'T beat the crap out of this stupid kid when they found out about his little stunt. say all you want about the 1st. great power comes with great responsibility. if I did something like this... my dad would have kicked me sooooo hard in the nuts, i would have doubted the laws of gravity.

middle school kids

Are not known for their maturity.
Many of them are South Park fans:neener:

However, he sent the message from home to another home.
He did not use school property or directly threat the teacher.

The teachers and school are a bunch of wannabe little hitlers who found a sympathetic Judge.
Not difficult in NY.
good one:D
but don't you agree? where are the parents in all this. much less SUPPORTING their son in the lawsuit instead of disciplining him.
sorry EC

I am on the side of the kid here, the teachers need to mtob .

The kids rights are being violated, he sent a message on his own pc from home to the private residence of his friend.

A clear violation of his rights.....btw....I am a huge South Park fan:evil:
One of my concerns is what about the poor teacher. Lets make an easy loose analogy; what of a person at your job did the same to you? I wouldn't be too happy about it. The person would probably get fired for it. and to tell ya the truth, I would agree with what happened. It is only for the semester, he can home school. Does anyone even really know what it looks like?
Hi All

Being a teacher I would find myself concerned about this.

I have kids tell me playfully all the time that they are going to beat me. I dont get too concerned.

But if I saw something like this I would be concerned.

See it from a teachers standpoint.

Cant carry a CCW
Cant carry pepper spray
Security is in a different building
Supervisor is rarely there.
Most of the time you are alone no support whatsoever.

Under those circumstances I would be concerned as a teacher.

It would have been ok if the kid had written "Look out! He's coming right for us!" ;)

There have been other cases about school managing to push their authority into your homes before. Hopefully we'll all wise up at some point, and start putting people like kid_couteau to work in private schools... if only that didn't mean we had to pay for school twice....
My wife teaches troubled teens (most of whom are a hairsbreadth away from the lockup). Stuff like this always concerns me greatly and I believe there should be a reaction to it, but not an OVER-reaction.

Still I do wonder what the heck some parents are doing these days. I'd have never dared to do someothing like this in my younger days and if I'd had some sort of brain-skip and actually done it I'd have paid until my parents were certain that I'd never do it again.
I bet if people started posting here that they were going to kill people that they would soon be having a little chat with some type of law enforcement.

Threats are not protected speech.
Threats are not protected speech.


I don't see where this kids rights were violated. If say, an RKBA oriented group had custom return address mailing labels (equivalent to the tag used in SMS messaging) that said "Kill senator X" that wouldn't be protected either, and you can bet an adult would be eating a lot more than the symbolic slap on the wrist here.

FTR, if I had pulled this stunt my father and I would have had a "chat" in the backyard about it.
Threats are not protected speech.


I don't see where this kids rights were violated. If say, an RKBA oriented group had custom return address mailing labels (equivalent to the tag used in SMS messaging) that said "Kill senator X" that wouldn't be protected either, and you can bet an adult would be eating a lot more than the symbolic slap on the wrist here.

FTR, if I had pulled this stunt my father and I would have had a "chat" in the backyard about it.
The kid was wrong and the school overreacted.
The problem here is political correctness and all the other liberal BS including that you dare not spank children.

20 years ago the teacher would have pulled the kid into the principal office where then the parents would have been call. Then the parents would have dragged the kid on the ear home! The next day the kid would have formally apologized to the teacher and things would been over and forgiven.
Today the police is call, the kid gets arrested and has therefore a record and a bunch of attorney “earn” their new beach house!!
Of cause on top the kid is send to a “doctor” who drugs him/her up, which then is a life long dependency!
The kids rights are being violated,

+1 MDW

you want to play with fire , sometimes you get burnt . To quote my dad : you did it , now stand up like a man and take your punishment . Sometimes not everone thinks a joke is funny . Come on , this poor kid gets suspended , big deal . Been there done that , I just work more hours at the gas station those weeks . ( gas was .55 a gal then ) the good ol days !
When I was a kid in the 1950s, minors basically had no rights. When did that change?
you did it , now stand up like a man and take your punishment
Amen. The problem is that his parents are reinforcing bad behavior. That creates a little narcissistic child. The argument of violated rights is distracting from the problem. Getting suspended for threatening a teacher is not a new thing. Doing it by email is. The parents would rather argue that Aaron has rights rather than admit his actions were wrong. Aaron has learned nothing good from all this. He learned that he can play his parents and get his way. Thank God for a Judge that sees a spoiled brat and takes action.

-Flame away, had Aaron gotten in trouble for protected speech I'd side with him.
I don't know the kid, or what kind of a past record he has. I'd say he probably made a stupid joke and the school probably over reacted.
HOWEVER, if he's dumb enough to pull that now days, he's probably too stupid to benefit from normal schooling anyway.
As usual, it's ridiculous. His rights were violated. If they HADN'T been violated, then he'd likely be facing criminal charges for making a serious threat, not being suspended for a semester - something that DOES seriously affect his life at his age - for something that happened completely off school property.

It's sad to see so many people who are on the side of The Man here.
Schools make me sick. It disgusts me the crap they pull on things like this. There was a kid that got expelled because on a computer game called Counter Strike (which Im sure at least some of you know) he made a map like his school. He fought terrorists that took over the school, not even shooting students. But the school board found it threatening and expelled him. But one day when my ten year old brothers friends were gettin called "n words" by middle schoolers and gettin beat up, the princiapl couldnt do anything. Makes me sick to my stomach......
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