Study Finds Gun Owners Distrust Government

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It's TRULY amazing we are having this back and forth arguement about Guns and government while *some* here on this VERY board don't even trust honest citizens with coffee cans!

And do you think Rosie O'donnell trusts her spoons?


With SCOTUS decisions like this, who can blame them?

The cockroaches are getting bold enough to crawl in the open because they have proven to themselves and the people to whom they owe their offices that the American citizen will roll over no matter the action taken against them.
Would it be a safe assumption that the quantity of firearms and ammunition one owns reflects the level of distrust they have in the government? :uhoh:
Lemmeesee, trust the government?

Okay, one word... democide.

in the 20th century over 100 million people killed by their OWN governments or with the complicity of their OWN governments.

Check it out. 100 million is a bit low. :what:
"People who are willing to rely on the government to keep them safe are pretty much standing on Darwin's mat, pounding on the door, screaming, 'Take me, take me!'"
--Carl Jacobs
People who own brains...

...don't trust the government.

And especially after the latest SCOTUS anti-liberty, anti-American action. Anyone who trusts a government that can grab your house and sell it to the highest bidder is a fool. I feel that we turned a fateful corner last Thursday.

Those five robed thugs need to be arrested for treason and then turned over to me. It would be so fantastic to do non-THR approved activities with them.

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Now why would anyone trust an organization which is run by the same friendly people you meet down at the DMV - or even scarier (to those of us with more traditional attitudes toward child rearing) CPS?
Isn't this from the same research company that determined that white rats don't trust lab techs?
Our tax dollars at work, folks.

I wonder if it ever occurred to these obviously enlightened scholars that the entire reason the Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution was their distrust of Government?

To paraphrase Friedman "you get what you subsidize" and we're obviously subsidizing idiots at Ohio State University.
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