Suicide at the range

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well gee quartus...what else are we to 'assume' about your statements? you have vehemently insisted that 'suicide is a selfish choice'. you havent allowed for any extenuating circumstances. you havent conceded that medical conditions may could ones judgement.

tell me what i have assumed incorrectly?
This has happened too many times.

In fact, it occured twice at the Sports Shooters, Inc Range in Tampa, FL. On both occasions, the families sued the firing range, saying they shouldn't be renting guns to people who seem suicidal.

Evidence was that there was no outward evidence of such, and the cases got thrown out, but not before costing the range a lot of money in attorney's fees, and Florida is not a loser pays state.

Messed up.

You said that you watched the suicide on video tape. Why did you have to watch it? So sad. And do all ranges video you while you shoot?

My .02:

A horrifying thing to experience for sure. :( I've had friends who've tried suicide, some successfully, some not so. *My* point of view...I cherish every minute of my life, no matter how rough the goings are or aren't. There have been days when I've been in the pits, things just aren't going my way, that's life. Life is a challenge, the idea is to overcome those obstacles and live life as you want to live it.

I can't really judge people who have committed suicide...I haven't walked in their shoes or experienced what they've experienced. I know what it can do to their friends and loved ones though, and its just not right. There's always another answer.

(On a side note: I haven't been here that long, but there's a lot of good folk on this board; count me in if anyone ever needed someone just to sit down and listen.)
A high school friend of mine killed herself a couple years back when we were living up in Seattle.

Two days before the fatal event, she came to a party I hosted. At 3AM, when everything was wrapping up, I exited my hallway bathroom, ready for bed... she confronted me outside the door, and said, "I just wanted to let you know that I wrote a book and you are in it", she was smiling.

I told her I was flattered, and asked for more information, she said it was a story about her life, and I had been her first 'crush' in 3rd grade. I thanked her for telling me that, and we hugged and said goodnight. The next day, we all had breakfast together... everything was normal.

One day later, I realized that she was saying goodbye to me that night. It was completely premeditated and she gave no outward signs to anyone that there was anything wrong. Unlike many women, she chose to use a gun, which indicated that this wasn't a 'cry for help', she wanted a final release from her suffering.

After the event, I learned that she was in treatment at the time for severe depression - I never knew. Her family never told anyone (can't see why they would) and she never told me. I privately asked myself why someone who was depressed would move to SEATTLE of all places, but that's besides the point.

I just wanted to post this and remind everyone how insidious mental health issues can be. What may appear calm on the surface may actually be a whirling vortex underneath.

Take the time to really get to know your friends and find out how they are doing. Their lives may depend on it.
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