Summary of Denver Anti-Gun Judicial Activist Decision from Firearms Coalitition of CO

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Oct 25, 2003
On top of a mountain in Colorado
I received this from the FCC:

I received a copy of the decision yesterday. Here is a summary:

1) Denver can ban open carry throughout the city

2) Denver can enforce their assault weapons ordinance.

3) Denver can enforce their Saturday night special ban – the code of this ordinance actually addresses melting points, tensile strengths, etc. Under this ordinance, any gun that will melt at under 1,000 degrees (F) can’t be sold or delivered by a dealer in Denver. This would include Glocks, Springfield XD’s, Kahr and Kimber Polymer, S&W Polymer, etc. This raises an interesting question for Denver PD and Sheriffs since so many of these guns are on the approved list for carry and use by their officers.

4) Denver can enforce safe storage

5) Denver can enforce no loaded guns within reach in a vehicle UNLESS the operator has a concealed handgun/weapons permit.

6) Denver can enforce the prohibition against firearms in City Parks UNLESS the person possessing the weapon has a concealed weapon/handgun permit. Open carry in city parks is unlawful.

7) Denver CANNOT enforce their ban against furnishing firearms to juveniles to the extent the ordinance is more restrictive than state law

The judge orders the state from enforcing the preemptive language of the statutes adopted or amended by SB25 and 25.

There are several key findings in this decision that are too detailed to get into here. Plan on this though – there is no guarantee that Bill Owens will appeal this decision and there is no guarantee that the city will not appeal those portions of the decision that they lost.

The only other case we have on our side to address the bad parts of this case is Aurora Gun Club and John A. Sternberg in his individual capacity V. City and County of Denver. NRA has backed this case so far and may or may not back this case further. The next date for this case is November 12. More next week.


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