Supressor for .45?

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Apr 28, 2006
Can anyone give me any info on getting a suppressor for a Glock 21? Makes and model. I can not take the hard blast sound and I forget to take ear muffs everytime I go to the range. I think it would worth getting so I can actually enjoy shooting the round. My 9mm and .40s&w are not as bad but I can not hear anything after shooting that thing. Especially in my left ear. Last time I used cigarette butts to try to block out the sound but even that did not work.
Man, you NEED hearing protection. Go and buy a couple packs of those cheap foam earplugs and stash some in your car, and your range bag/gun case and even squash them flat and carry a couple sets in your wallet. I don't know how your hearing is now, but if you keep that up, it'll be worse for sure. And besides, plugs and muffs dont cost $800 and don't require a $200 stamp. No waiting period either. I'm not trying to be a smart alleck, I just want people to shoot safe, and that includes ear protection.
I do shoot safe. I just want a reason to get another toy. Catch my drift...Therefore I will not be buying those little cheap ear muffs and putting them into my wallet because they through off the alignment in my spine with the extra weight on one side.
Hehe, I gotcha :) I hear wet-style cans tend to be the quietest, but they're messy due to the grease/water filler, but I think gemtech? makes a dry can for .45's and threaded bbls can be had easily for glocks. I'm sure someone will come by soon who is more knowledgeable about this subject. In the meantime, you might want to check out It requires a registration, but there is a wealth of knowledge on cans over there. Good luck.
Anyone who shoots a hangun without hearing protection may be uninformed.

Anyone who shoots any firearm the second & subesquent times without hearing protection is a fool.

Anyone who can use something like that to justify a new toy, is A-OK in my book! :D
gemtech blackside. comes in 40 and 45. Picking up my 40 can on tuesday. Has taken almost a year to get in and the paperwork through. Funny, cause I ordered a gemtech 22 can the same time, and got it 6 months ago.
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