Survival Kits, or BOB

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My "rule of the field" is that you can always get colder. ;) Even a -20 deg F bag can be comfortable by judicious venting/layering.

In Colorado, a down bag works very well - we have a very low humidity - YMMV in a more humid climate & may be best served with a synthetic filled bag.

With a basic load-out of underwear of a capilene (lightweight & expedition-weight), I can can expand the bag's "thermal-load" another 15-20 degrees. A lightweight down vest+, I can go a bit lower.

Insulate from the ground using a decent pad, use a Gore-Tex bivy sack to isolate from the weather (an extra shield does wonders) - a decent enough bag & you'll be all but set. Some extra "additions," based with some experience & you'll be all set for all but the worst anything M-Nature can throw at you.

Allowing yourself to be dry, warm & comfortable for a decent night's sleep makes for a wonderful next day - it's a big start.
When you have a little spare time, grab some flour and make couple of batches of hardtack. I made some back in 1997! and it is still completly edible. It requires no refrigeration and as long as you keep it dry, it will probably outlive you. I took 10 pounds of flour, added water until it had a bread dough consistency, then added some salt for flavor. I formed this dough into 2 inch x 2 inch squares and put them into the oven at 150 degrees for a few hours. You want these squares DESSICATED. No moisture whatsoever. If it takes a a couple hours more, so be it. When you are done , let them cool and then put them out of the way for few days. Dont refrigerate, that will make them draw moisture. Make sure they are super dry then seal them in a plastic bag. Date it and see how they are doing in a couple months. While not the tastiest foodsource, it will give you something to chew on while on the trail. I took one out awhile ago, poured some hot water on the square and let it sit. After it got softer, I put a dollop of jam on it and it wasnt bad at all. Cheers!

Michael in Sandy, OR
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