Talk Radio Call-In. How'd I do? (Philly)

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Sep 13, 2005
Last night, 1210 am's 6-9 pm program was hosted by Lindsay (forget last name), with studio guest Larry Kane. I was a (brief) participant in the discussion.

They were discussing the "arsenal" found in the boy's house yesterday, and used it as a platform to attack the PA legislature for prohibiting Philly from passing stricter local gun laws. (PA's constitution holds that no municipality may have its own laws; the state gun laws are applied equally everywhere in the state) There is a contingent of rural Dem and Rep representatives that are preventing the big city mayors and governor Rendell from changing the PA state law.

They had hoped the program would be about how the law could be changed, who needed to be pressured at the state level, etc. But what they got was a board full of calls from pro-gun listeners.

Lindsay was clearly ignorant, stating at different times during the show "we're not trying to take away your right to hunt, or fish, or hike" and "the 2nd amendment was written during the time of single-shot muzzle-loaders. I'm all for people being able to carry single-shot muzzle loaders, because I'll be able to run away after the first shot."

Larry was somewhat more balanced in his thinking, but still strongly anti-gun.

When I called in....

Larry had just quoted Michael Nutter (the shoe-in next mayor of Philly) as having said "The gun people want their right to bear arms. I want the right not to be shot!" (haha, etc, etc, by the hosts) That prompted me to call-n.

I can't remember the call verbatim, but it went something like this:

Pleasantries exchanged

Me: Larry just quoted Michael Nutter as having said "I have the right not to be shot." I agree with that sentiment. I also agree that my family has the right not to be shot. I want to be able to protect them.

Lindsay: But do you really need a gun to do that? Aren't there other ways to protect them without using a gun?

Me: When it comes to life and death, a gun is by far the most effective means of self defense. I don't have the training a cop has, I can't go toe to toe with an assailant larger than myself. A 90-lb woman can't defend herself from a 200 lb rapist with her bare hands. (or something to this affect)

Larry chimes in: No one's arguing that guns are an effective means of self defense, and no one wants to take away your right to defend yourself or your family. It's clear that guns are extremely effective tools.

Cross talk, the hosts kind of step on each other's words, and all I can make out is Lindsay saying that it was a good point about weaker individuals needing to defend themselves.

There's a few moments of silence at this point, and I'm a little flustered, and the only thing that comes to mind is...

Me: There's an old saying: God created men, Sam Colt made them equal.

Pleasantries are exchanged, and they move onto the next caller

Whenever I listed to callers, I always think "Why don't you say this? Why did you say that? Come on, man, there are better ways to argue our side!"

But when you're actually on the air, and the hosts take the call in an unexpected direction, or respond in an unexpected way, it can be difficult to think clearly and make your points eloquently. I'm not sure I should have dropped the Sam Colt line, but it seemed logical at the time.

Anyway, it was an interesting experience.
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Colt, sounds like you did OK. I don't think "fast on my feet" when conversations take an unexpected turn like that, either. {Which, I might add, Mrs. Foggy uses to her distinct adavantage in our discussions...}I am much better with the written word than the spoken word.
I think you did very well. They actually conceded to your point, which is all you can hope for. And when the host realized they couldn't argue your point without sounding like complete loons, he changed the subject.
You did well.

...I also agree that my family has the right not to be shot. I want to be able to protect them.
This opening comment was strong, and I'll bet it caught them off guard. That's why they didn't give you much more opportunity to speak.

You have to remember that with radio talk shows, callers-in exist solely for entertainment, and in this game the hosts hold all the cards. They can cut you off, talk over you, and bleep you out if they don't like what you say. I think you did as well as could be expected.

the ignoramus said:
..."we're not trying to take away your right to hunt, or fish, or hike" and "the 2nd amendment was written during the time of single-shot muzzle-loaders. I'm all for people being able to carry single-shot muzzle loaders, because I'll be able to run away after the first shot."
If I had been listening to that filth I'd have grabbed my phone in an instant. Find hunting, fishing, hiking, or driving an SUV in the Bill of Rights, you idiot. Instead you will find a statement acknowledging my birthright to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Running away from whatever threatens these precious goals is not what the Founders had in mind when they pledged their lives to secure such rights for all posterity.

The First Amendment was written with an ink quill but it protects us in the internet age. So does the Second. Idiot.

If you don't like that inconvenient truth, well, read my sig line below.
m all for people being able to carry single-shot muzzle loaders, because I'll be able to run away after the first shot.

Moron needs to go look at some of the photos in the BP forum, he might change his mind on that :)
v35 said:
The First Amendment was written with an ink quill but it protects us in the internet age. So does the Second.
That is a fantastic line! I will absolutely use this! I have for a long time agreed with the idea that the 2nd Amendment (of course) does not apply to muzzle loaders, but haven't heard it broken down into such a concise, direct, and irrefutable statement.

Thank you v35 :D
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