Targets with Pictures

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Apr 16, 2006
I've been back in the gun world for about a year. When I was a shooter as a kid, no ranges, no decorum problems. Now I live in the city and have to shoot at an indoor range, and I notice no one shoots at pictures. Seems to me it might be tempting to put bullseyes on pictures of Osama, or an unpopular politico, or an ex-wife or whatever. I've never seen anything at the ranges I use except standard variants of bullseyes or silouttes. QUESTION: is there some generally accepted rule against using pictures?

Probably a newbie/"well duh!" question, but I've gotta ask. Thanks.
There are many places that don't allow picture targets for some reason or other. I believe Mass. has outlawed them for everyone except LEO training. Or it could be that the range only allows you to use the targets they sell.

I always liked getting the standing pix from movie theaters and take them to an outdoor range - get some real odd looks from some people....:D
I know a few family-oriented shooting clubs ban the use of human photo or silhouette targets. Otherwise, I guess it can be considered poor taste to use photos of your boss or ex-wife.

Of course, Bin Laden and Saddam are fair game.
You can just make up your own on your computer.
Use very cheap ink and set the printer at the worst draft quality and you can print a lot of cheap targets.

You probably can't use them at most public ranges though. It seems that the more neutered we gun owners act the more the anti gun liberals will love us.:rolleyes:

This hostage target is a lot of fun.
When my friends and I shoot this target, verbally harassing the shooter is encouraged.

One of the best lines I heard was when a friend clean missed the BG's head. I got on him about missing the BG and he answered, "Yeah, but I shot his lawyer".:D

I guess everything happens 20 years later here in WV...

I think it was a 4 foot tall (don't remember for sure) piece of plywood standing against the 100 yard backstop at the range, with a "badly painted" picture of Osama on it...
You probably have everything you need to make your own.

When I bought my first Savage sniper rifle, I made up a bunch of Hitler targets. I just went on the web, found a good picture of Schickelgruber, downloaded it, opened it in Corel Photopaint, added scoring rings, saved it and printed a bunch. If you want bigger than 8 1/2"x11", better graphics programs will allow you to print a larger image in sections.
My not so local range had several pics to choose from

Assorted people of middle easternish backgrounds with everything from AKs to RPGs to there head popping out of a comme t72. It has one picture of a woman being head hostage buy a guy, but the woman is so ugly most people shoot her too. Several targets of traditional gang bangers with knives, and 9s & 4Ds.
Hi-point Arms had published a Saddam Hussein target, but not sure if they still do. I've got a couple of different Osama targets, too.

8-1/2" x 11", so i just make sometimes get some strange looks at the range, though...

Had a pic or 2 of the first mrs.foggy on some targets, but I couldn't hit them...bullets just seemd to curve around...
Not allowed at my club

I belong to a club in Minnesota with a big range and ~ 500 members, and Osama targets and other human likenesses are NOT permitted. I'm not sure why, and apart ftom this eveybody seems pretty laid back, but no Osama targets. :confused:

BTW - On another board somebody posted a target that they use somewhere in the NE at a rifle range, and it's a woodchuck silouette, excpet, that it's actually a picture of a woodchuck very clearly FLIPPING YOU THE BIRD! :neener: Apparently most shooters can't hit it the first time they try becase they're laughing so hard...
While you can get plenty of silhouette targets here, I tend to avoid shooting them. Not because they represent people, but because they are a pretty big waste of a target. I prefer the ones with 4 or 5 bulleyes. Better for seeing groups and you don't have to change targets as often.

And yes, it does appear that there are regulations regarding human-looking targets in Mass. Crazy.
M2 that's a neat target, never saw that one before.

If you are talking about the hostage target, it's the old Texas concealed carry target, reduced with Paint Shop Pro to 25%, highlighted and with the BG head added, and printed on 8x11 inch paper.
The the whole silhouette is actually on the 8x11 paper targets but for posting just the top half is shown here.
Since it's to scale, shooting from 11, 18 and 75 feet will make the silhouette look life size as if you were 15, 25 and 100 yards away.

The original target is solid blue but by just highlighting the edges the target takes a lot less ink to print.

The idea of the contest is, the hostage was on her way to town to buy you a new car, get you $10,000, whatever. So you have a vested interest in not hitting the hostage.:)

One day when a couple friends and I were shooting this target I was HOT. I ran up a bunch of gifts, including a Thompson and F51 Mustang. The center of the BG's head was just a hole, so I kept shooting through the hole.
Of course every shot my friends yelled I missed the target and we would have a good natured argument about it.
so in Mass, could you use the silouette of 'Bigfoot' instead?

Yes, you can use animal based targets since only human silouettes/picture targets are restricted to LEO or Military. Yes, I know that some people act like animals but it is still not legal to use human based targets. Though the NRA type 24 target is permissible to use since it only shows the center body, and a reduced head.
I would guess using pictures of know figures, your boss, friends or whomever could be preceived as a threat to that person thereby requiring police intervention. Also don't use one of yourself as someone may call the guys in white coats. You would probably be better off shooting Bambi. At least you can say you were training for deer season.
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