Teams gone for football

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Jan 2, 2003
I know folks are in love with football, but recently I have been reading that many colleges are cutting other sports to support the football. The defined Olympic sports are first to go.

Specifically, I read of two rifle teams getting cut for that reason. I also know of a school that has tried to cut its successful skeet time but fortunately there was dedicated endowment for it.

I think quite a few institutions of higher education would be better off without the corrupt football teams and more Olympic sports, esp. the firearms related ones.

Olympic sports team members are much more successful in college than the football team.

That's my rant. :cuss:
well, due to Title IX there has to be a equal number of mens and womens sports. unfortuneatly economics says that football and sometimes basketball pay for all the others...
Bottom line.

Football makes money. I'm not saying it is right for them to cut other sports for football, I'm just saying money is why.
Unfortunately, very few shooting sports are good for spectators.
Yes, but it is clear that football teams only make money for themselves. It has been shown that they don't support other teams or the general fund of the school. There are several books on it.

They also corrupt the academic process.
At my school (U of Delaware), shooting sports are long gone and everyone just says "why not join ROTC?" when I ask about forming a gun club. College sport funding is kinda shady, the girls on the softball team are required to work for the football team selling beverages during home games so their team can buy new equipment every few years while the football team gets new equipment every year...


It doesn't help that Delaware law is decidedly unfriendly about carrying near universities and sporting events either.

Wish I had known you were trying to start something before I became a UD alumnus.
its all about money and enrollment

sw442642, you are right about football not always making money.....i dont think more than half the Div I teams are profitable for their schools, but they are still important for school spirit and atmosphere......Saturday afternoon football games are important for enrollment i imagine....good for public relations.....big school exposure...the benefits of a football team are byond what they take in in TV monies or ticket sales

at universities, im sure that shooting sports are looked down upon by many (why would need a gun ???)
that is regretable.....

dont knock all football teams though
at Div III there is no scholarship money, and at my school we got new jerseys less often than at my high school!
and they spent more on the volleyball team! (tournament entry fees + travel expenses = $$$)
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