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Ted Cruz Rattles Feinstein

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He is my senator and I voted for him, so I am biased. I thought he was way to polite and did not bring his thought to a simple question fast enough. He did a good job, but I thought he could have been a bit better.

As a voter, I don't care what folks out of state think. Ted is doing exactly what we elected to do so far. I am proud that he is representing me.
Every time I hear media criticism of Ted Cruz, every time I hear some old RINO woman (like John McCain) park herself in front of the camera, issue snide comments about Ted Cruz, and smile at her own cleverness . . . I know I made the right choice by voting for him.

Keep fighting the good fight, Ted - we're behind you!
What do you think?

I thought they both sounded like children. There is a serious lack of intelligent debate in Congress. These two are shinning examples of it.
That old wench didn't dress down anybody! Ted caught her with her pants down, so to speek, and she got frazzled because he called her hand. She said she had been in the senate for 20 years. Well, that is 20 years toooo long! She is stupid, and it shows every time she opens her mouth.
I thought he asked a legitimate question and was attacked by democratic senators because he made a point they did not respect. The way Feinstein answered him it was clear she has no respect for any pro-gun individuals. Senator Cruz went out of his way to ask his question respectfully as well.
I thought that he asked a legitimate, pointed question that she didn't answer.

Everytime I see or hear DiFi I want to throw up in mouth
That old wench didn't dress down anybody! Ted caught her with her pants down,

Pass the mind bleach!!!!!

Seriously, fat, ugly, pompous moron got flustered and stated to babble about seeing dead bodies.
ted cruz did not rattle anybody. when the witch said she exempted over 2 thousand guns he should have said you will chip away at those exempt guns over the years until there are none left when they say do you need a bazooka which they do not even have any more I would answer yes. before we gave freedom to the iraquis by destroying the country you could go to a bazaar and come home with a tank machine gun anything you could afford then we took their guns away while giving them "freedom"
Senator Cruz makes the Constitutional argument, while the others cite case law. Which of these two did they swear to uphold? Senator Feinstein has no argument other than to evoke grizzly imagery. And anti-gunners think she's brilliant.

As for the other points: child porn is not protected by 1A because it's not speech--it's exploitation of minors, made illegal solely based on the age of the person depicted. Yelling "fire" in a public place where there is no fire is not protected by 1A because it's not speech--it's sounding a false alarm just as if the yeller had pulled the alarm switch.

If I were Senator Cruz, I would have been more adamant that considering 2A restrictions is in fact the same as considering 1A or 4A restrictions in spite of the Heller decision's unconstitutional notion regarding reasonable restrictions. Infringing on 2A is not one a tiny bit more constitutional than restricting 1A or 4A would be.

It is noteworthy--and I grant we don't have the whole exchange here--that Senator Cruz's point about 4A was never addressed in any way, which we might take to mean that the Judiciary Committee leadership is perfectly comfortable with making laws that decide who's protected by 4A and who's not.
I thought he asked a legitimate question and was attacked by democratic senators because he made a point they did not respect. The way Feinstein answered him it was clear she has no respect for any pro-gun individuals. Senator Cruz went out of his way to ask his question respectfully as well.

IMO, the way she answered made it clear she think her interpretation of the 2A is what counts.

She was very adamant about being knowledable about the Constitution.
In her mind, hers' is the only opinion that counts, no one else is intelligent enough to dispute her. We desperately need some more new blood in Washington DC. If things don't change, i'm afraid real blood will be spilled in this country again.
Senator Cruz asked the question all of us has thought of. Senator Feinstein got defensive anf avoided the question entirely. Feinstein also showed her ignorance of the constitution and arms. Really, imploding bullets and dismembered body parts from a .223 rifle?

I have to give Cruz credit for pointing out the fact she didn't answer the question.

I'm unsure how some pundits can state Feinstein taught Cruz a lesson. It shows their unwillingness to tell the truth or ignorance.

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I think her upset related more to her arrogance toward a new Senator versus the actual question. But her answer to the First Amendment question was telling. "The answer is NO." You see the liberals want some rights to be unlimited and others to be strictly controlled. The framers of the Constitution placed the Second Amendment, second only to the freedom of speech and religion, second and not last. Liberals want the constitution to state what the government can do like most constitutions not what it can't. That's why it's called the Bill of Rights.
Can't an ammunition company sue her for misrepresentation? "Imploding bullets"? I don't think so.

You know what, I think they should release the crime scene photos that they keep using as leverage against us.
No to the crime scene photos. They don't generally release those for other crimes, why make an exception.
Can't an ammunition company sue her for misrepresentation? "Imploding bullets"? I don't think so.

Let's offer a compromise. If they will take their other proposals off the table, we'll agree to a total ban on imploding bullets.
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