Ted Nugent on Gun Talk

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Jan 20, 2003
I realize this is short notice, but for those who are Ted Nugent fans, he is going to call in to "Tom Gresham's Gun Talk" radio show today, Sunday, Oct. 31, at 1:10pm Central time.

Ted has moved from Michigan to Crawford, TX. When I talked with him this morning, he had just hung up a deer they got on his ranch.

Hmmm. "We now go to a man who you have seen all over the television, calling in from his ranch in Crawford, Texas . . . "

Streaming at www.kbnp.com, www.kxam.com, www.ksbn.net.

Other guests today: Alan Gottlieb from the Second Amendment Foundation, and Doug Painter, president and CEO of the National Shooting Sports Foundation.
Ted was awesome, as usual. He should be a regular feature; give him 10 minutes every show for "Ted's Corner." And he is a Texan now? No more "Motor City Madman?" Wonders never cease.
There is no "10 minutes" with Ted. He can do 10 minutes without taking a breath!

It was fun. Yeah, he's a Texan now. Living in Crawford. I guess he's a neighbor of W's.
Good show, Tom.

I met Ted when he was hawking his cookbook here awhile back.

BTW, black mold grows on fire ants and mosquitoes here in Texas. Tastes good, too.

W's ranch is ten miles out from Crawford. I've been by it, and into Crawford a couple hundred times (I was a photographer for the NBC affiliate in Waco, which is next door).

That field with the tractor you see in the background of all the Crawford live shots is actually next door to the Crawford HS's old gym which is the new media center. Guy who's field that is (house to the left) rents EZ-UPs to the major media guys from New York and makes about $300 per shelter every time the President comes in. Cheap for him and the news biz (instead of transporting them in every time). My live truck used to be on the left of the line of all the big boys (depending on the visit, CNN, Fox, NBC/ABC/CBS shuffled around on the right side).
That black mold is nasty stuff. A few years back, an acquaintance and his family started having odd health problems, like persistent coughing and unexplained malaise. Turns out their house was loaded with the nasty kind of mold inside the walls. The insurance company totaled the house - the only time I've ever heard of this happening - and guys in space suits tore the ($300k) house down, slab & all. My acquaintance lost a kidney and remains in poor health. I used to play in that house when I was a kid, and now it's a vacant lot...

I can't imagine that some mold could get the Nugents down, though; seems like they would barbeque it. ;) I wish them the best. Ted is too big for any one state, even Texas. :D
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