Ted Nugent on Glenn Beck

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Sep 18, 2006
Here is a transcript of Ted Nugent talking about the Virginia Tech shootings on Glenn Beck, and speaking for the gun grabbers was Paul Helmke president of the Brady campaign to prevent gun violence. Seems like Michael Smerconish who was sitting in for Glenn Beck is pro- 2nd Amendment

Ted, a lot of folks wonder, what does Ted Nugent think as he reacts to a tragedy such as this?

TED NUGENT, MUSICIAN: Well, I think with the same heart-and-soul logic that America joins you today with a grieving and shattered heart, Michael.

The Nugent family is praying as hard as we have ever prayed for the families, and equally so for the pulse of America that is allowing this mind-set that somehow gun-free zones, with irrefutable evidence that all these tragedies, all these mass shootings have occurred across the board in gun-free zones.

Yet, there are still those amongst those who desire the very system of a gun-free zone that facilitates and enables this kind of unstoppable slaughter.

And my stomach is absolutely sickened right now. I`m spending a lot of time with my children, with the local schools and local law enforcement, as I have, following every tragedy, and, obviously, just as a concerned parent, to make sure that the tactics, the level of awareness, the observation increase and upgrade is taking place in my neighborhoods. And I encourage all parents to be that involved and demand an upgrade, based on the evidence that we have now.

SMERCONISH: In other words, Ted Nugent says there will be those who will say this is exhibit A now as to why there needs to be increased gun regulation. And your reply is, indeed, there was gun regulation on the Virginia Tech campus. It was a gun-free zone. And, if you can`t have safety there, then it tells you something.

NUGENT: And, again, Michael, you know, I`m just a guitar player, but I like to pay attention to my wonderful country. And the evidence is unlimited, non-stop, irrefutable once again across this country.

In Oregon, where a Columbine tragedy was unfolding, it was a student who went to his truck and got a .22 squirrel rifle and stopped the mass murder. It was a citizen, an off-duty cop in Salt Lake City, that stopped an armed monster from killing citizens at random. He stopped it.

It was just up the road from Virginia Tech where an Appalachia law school, students once again retrieved legally owned firearms and stopped an armed assault. Who is not getting this information? Who is pretending this isn`t how it works? Those are the people I`m really angry at.

SMERCONISH: Ted, this morning, on my radio program -- and I knew this comment was coming -- and you have heard it before -- more than one individual said to me, why does someone need a .9-millimeter Glock? That N-word, need, would you respond to that?

NUGENT: Well, Michael, there are hundreds of millions -- and I hope people will write this down some day -- hundreds of millions of law-abiding American families with hundreds of millions of lawfully owned guns, none of which are going to be used in violence, crime or accident.

The sheer numbers of zeros following the decimal point in the percentage of guns used in crime is beyond inconsequential. That does not compromise or negate the heartbreaking tragedy of any kind of accident, any kind of violent crime.

But when will we learn that, at Luby`s cafeteria, at Pearl, Mississippi, at the pizza parlor in New York City, where Mayor Bloomberg thought it was reasonable gun control to disarm cops? That`s how insane this has gotten. There`s been quite a debate at Virginia Tech, where lawfully possessed firearms and gun owners with lawfully procured government scrutinized concealed weapons permits are forbidden to use those concealed weapons permits on the Virginia Tech grounds.

Does anybody join me in realizing that 32 people were killed because the killer wasn`t stopped? I don`t want to come off like I know all the answers. But, again, the evidence is overwhelming. If a good guy with a gun can stop evil crime and tragedy so often, why can`t we apply that policy instead of Sarah Brady`s gun-free zone policy?

SMERCONISH: Hey, Nuge, thank you.

I`m joined now by Paul Helmke. He is the president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence.

Thank you, sir, for being here.

Respond to what you have just heard from Ted Nugent.

PAUL HELMKE, PRESIDENT, BRADY CAMPAIGN TO PREVENT GUN VIOLENCE: It`s obvious, after yesterday`s tragedy, that what we`re doing now in this country is not working. And there`s a lot of reasons it doesn`t work.

And maybe what Nuge is suggesting is something that we should debate in this country. Actually, when most academicians look at it, they conclude that homes that have a gun, communities that have -- I mean, homes that have more guns, communities that have more guns, states that have more guns, and countries that have more guns end up with more violence.

Part of the problem is, is these gun-free zones, they are not working either, because it`s so easy to walk out of that zone and pick up that .9- millimeter. And, now that we don`t have restrictions on the size of the clips that this individual can get, you can get the clip that is going to fire off those shots.

I don`t know how good of a shot Nuge is, but I know that, when I was a mayor, and I was dealing with my police department in Fort Wayne, Indiana, when someone got a jump on somebody, even if you`re a trained officer, it`s tough to respond quickly and wisely.

And you can be sitting in a classroom with 30 people, and, if they`re firing a semiautomatic, and you can get off 30 rounds in 30 seconds, somebody is going to get killed. I would like to stop those guns from getting into the hands of those people and into those schools and into those killing situations in the first place.

If we can prevent this from starting, then we don`t need to worry about who is going to be taking the last shot.

SMERCONISH: But, Paul, doesn`t -- doesn`t Nuge have a point when he says that one of the ironies here is that, indeed, this occurred in a gun- free zone? And doesn`t it raise the issue that these laws that we put on the books, that they affect those who are law-abiding; and the individual, the deranged individual who is out there, and is hell-bent on killing folks doesn`t care what the law is and somehow is going to get that weapon?

HELMKE: It`s -- when people want to break laws, they`re going to break laws. Most lawbreakers don`t break every law, because they know they are more likely to get caught. So, they follow the law in some things.

When we had laws that said you couldn`t sell clips with more than 10 rounds, people weren`t buying clips with more than 10 rounds very easily. This morning, I went on a web page and I found a clip with 33 rounds that I could buy for the gun that was used here for under $30.

That`s the sort of problems we`re having. We make it too easy to get this kind of weaponry into our communities. It`s great to talk about the hypothetical situation where Superman, Nuge, whoever -- that`s great -- responds to the guy that`s already standing in the doorway and already shooting.

But, in real life, what happens is, somebody loses that gun; somebody misuses that gun; somebody gets drunk; somebody gets angry; somebody makes a mistake. And you end up -- and you end up with people that are dead or injured.

SMERCONISH: Hey, Paul, thank you for being with us. We appreciate having both sides represented.
This is yet another dumbass 'anti' who thinks a Glock somehow uses clips, and not magazines.
He represents a large group of folks suffering from recto-cranial inversion who would rather pursue emotion over logic, and education takes the hind teat.
The guy who subbed for Glenn Beck gave Ted Nugent free reign to speak his mind and asked him good questions rather than the typical BS that normal gets spewed. I thought this was the single best interview on the whole situation so far.
This is yet another dumbass 'anti' who thinks a Glock somehow uses clips, and not magazines.

Congratulations. You just completely derailed your thought process.

Definitions of the hardware DO NOT MATTER. Clips = magazines and magazines = clips. Why? Because my 80+ year old WWII veteran father says so, and that's good enough for me.

But seriously, that little bit of semantics around the definitions REALLY does not matter.

Now, without getting bent out of shape over the names of various boomstick parts, go write a quick note to your local media about how you're disturbed that those poor young folks were defenseless in a "safe" gun free zone.

Because THAT will do some good.
This is yet another dumbass 'anti' who thinks a Glock somehow uses clips, and not magazines.

Seriously, how does that matter even a little bit? These people don't care about such things and everyone knows what you're talking about no matter which word you use.

I just wish the lie that somehow things would be better or different if the guy only had 10 round mags would be addressed. A nutjob with a couple of pistols and 10 rounders would have also resulted in carnage. Or if he'd have carried a revolver. Heck, you limit them to a single shot and they'll just find softer and softer targets (like a daycare). Or they'll start using pipebombs in stadiums or poison water supplies or something else evil once they've determined they need to kill. Geez, the propaganda...enough already.
What is with this 30 round mag issue? Helmke keeps talking about the 30 round mag that allowed him to do this. Maybe someone should mention that somebody could just have three ten rnd mags, and take his time reoading since hes the only armed person in the area. Too bad he was the last to speak so Ted couldn't respond to the things he said.

He also mentioned that people would just get drunk, lose their gun, or kill the wrong people with a gun in that situation, and i think people will jump on this because many people aren't even aware of concealed carry or the requirements to legally do so.

I did like how Ted could quickly respond with good answers and Helmke oh and ah'd and slowly had to concoct answers to the questions. You could tell that he had to try and make his answers be the kind people would buy into.
I agree that it is the best piece so far on this issue that represents both sides.
They interviewed the gun dealer who sold the pistol, and I get the impression, from the police, that he only used standard capacity magazines in his pistols. 30rd magazines are merely a nifty hot button the antis figure they can use to bamboozle Mr and Mrs America.
As an aside ( I don't want this to get too off-topic, mods can delete if it is)--

I want solid proof that the shooter used the 33-round G-mags. Every other first-person account I have seen today said they heard the shooter fire 10-15-maybe 20 times, drop the empty mag and reload. He did NOT do all this with just one or two 33-round mags as Helmke would have people believe.
He just wants to get the meme out. Regardless of the actual *facts* that get out, he knows he can get that big magazine (or... clip, as he calls 'em) into the heads of Joe Dumb and his wife, Mary.
Let me say that I would much rather a shooter, coming into a room where everyone is unarmed and helpless, fires 30rnds in 30 seconds than fires 30rnd in 2 minutes. It is a good bet that most of the "30rnds in 30 seconds" are unaimed and much less accurate.

In fact, from all reports, it appears that the shooter moved room to room firing methodically and reloading as needed. It wouldn't have mattered whether he swapped 10 15rnd magazines or 15 10rnd magazines.

All I can say is, Helmke is an idiot. He says its great to think of "hypothetical superman situations"... well The Nuge presented a number of REAL sitauations with real everyday people ending a criminal's assault in midstep. In fact, these types of mass school shootings are actually much rarer than incidents of firearms used to save lives.
Zen21Tao said:
He says its great to think of "hypothetical superman situations"... well The Nuge presented a number of REAL sitauations with real everyday people ending a criminal's assault in midstep.

Exactly! Enough said on that. We win.

pdowg881 said:
What is with this 30 round mag issue? Helmke keeps talking about the 30 round mag that allowed him to do this. Maybe someone should mention that somebody could just have three ten rnd mags

You're so right. "What if it was one guy with six guns?"

Great job by Ted here.
Wake up Bogie

Definitions of the hardware DO NOT MATTER. Clips = magazines and magazines = clips. Why? Because my 80+ year old WWII veteran father says so, and that's good enough for me.

The old "My daddy told me so...its gotta be true..." excuse shouldn't fly anymore.

My Grandparents told me that FDR was the greatest president in history. That didn't stop me from researching and finding out that he was the greatest SOCIALIST in American history, and the single most DESTRUCTIVE PRESIDENT IN THE 20TH century.

Just because your daddy told you so, shouldn't stop you from thinking on your own.

WWI vets who used a 1903 Springfield will say, for example "I fired a full clip...", meaning, "I loaded a full clip into my rifle's MAGAZINE, and fired every round.
Another thing

Every time we can illustrate how the gun grabbers DON'T know what they are talking about, we should do that. We should vocally point out that they don't know a clip from a magazine, or a an assault weapon from a defense weapon.
In Oregon, where a Columbine tragedy was unfolding, it was a student who went to his truck and got a .22 squirrel rifle and stopped the mass murder.

I haven't heard about this one. I know the wrestling student that tackled Kip Kinkel, but not this. Does anyone have more info on this?
I saw this segment last night b/c the coverage on FOX was ticking me off (FWIW Whoraldo needs to be fired) so I switched channels. Helmke came off as weak and didn't really answer the questions. His whole purpose on CNN wasn't to discuss the VT shooting, it was to push the passage of HR1022.

Nuge, OTOH, answered the questions, spoke strongly and passionagely, made great points, and most importantly pointed out a solution to the problem of mass shooting incidents.
We won't win the argument by quibbling over semantics with the anti-freedom crowd.

Just as Ted Nugent did, we need to talk about the human equation and not get bogged down by hardware questions. It is not the weapon it is the warrior. We need to talk about the warped warriors, and about how they can only be stopped by the straight warriors.
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