Teen Nabbed After Gun Photos Online

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I signed on the MySpace just to see what the hubbubb was all about. My first search turned up a picture of teen A giving a blowjob to teen B. By no means do we need obscene guns. It don't make a lot of sense, but it sure is consistent. :banghead:
rallyhound said:
Anybody who posts on Myspace oughtta be locked up.

Anybody who posts on THR should be locked up.
I guess that sounds just as stupid.

rallyhound, what you don't seem to understand is that cameras and particularly effective film have absolutely NO hunting value whatsoever. Private citizens shouldn't have access to them, and those that do should be hunted down like the pornographers they obviously are!
LAR-15 said:
Anybody who posts on Myspace oughtta be locked up

Nice post genius. Let's start locking up people that exercise their 1st rights amendment rights, when we're done we can then lock up people that exercise their second ammendment rights too. :barf: :barf: :barf:

What are you doing here anyway?
It's not against the law to be an idiot.....

but I'm glad this kid doesn't go to school with my kids. "Angel of Death"? "Wings of Lead"?
Frandy said:
What he did was stupid. Should he be "punished"?
Yes, as a mattrer of fact, I think he should. Bad choices have consequences, and I see no reason he should get a pass. Further, I think stupid should be painful, too. Otherwise, where is he going to get the motivation to stop being stupid?

My gut feeling is that the 'adults' over reacted, but I don't know this kid. He may just be doofy, or he may have real problems, can't tell from here, but if he was my neighbor, I'd damn sure keep an eye on him for a while.

I can't stomach 'My Space' - too much posing, posturing, self-absorbed tennaged angst, it makes my head hurt.
So if I went down to one of these places that rents full autos for the curious and rented say a Glock 18 and took a picture of myself shooting it and put that on the internet, I'd go to jail for not possessing a Class 3 license?

This whole thing is wrong on so many levels.
So we should all be punished when we post pictures someone doesnt like. :barf: Or if we do something stupid, even though no one is harmed in any way.

Kid probably thought he was being cool.

Im glad i dont live in a world governed by you, cause i dont think 90% of the population would last long.
This incident reminds me of the kids that were playing in the school yard and pointing their fingers like a gun.

IIRC, the kids were severely reprimanded and were either suspended or just threatened with it. This happened about three years ago I think.

It will be interesting to see how this plays out. He probably could have made a better choice in the pics he posted but it can't be reversed now. I didn't read if the parents were contacted FIRST, AND given an opportunity to find out for theirselves what really took place before the kid was put in juvenile hall. Unfortunately we don't know enough about this 16 year old either.

The school spokesman, RICK KAUFMAN said:

"The photos were very disturbing, and while the content was not a direct threat, we just felt it was important for us to take appropriate disciplinary action," Kaufman said, adding the student could be expelled.

Regarding this excerp, when do they get off deciding they should take disciplinary action? The PARENTS are supposed to DISCIPLINE THEIR KIDS, not some school flunky! And it wasn't even on school property!
This story is outrageous... are we living in America anymore?

What was the probable cause for the search?... since as the principal said he didn't make a direct threat.
Where are the parents here? any comments from them?

Seams to me the caption "Angel o' death on wings o' lead" may have been in bad taste. But it's not even an indirect threat to anyone.

So if I put up a website of my own...and let's say I happen to be 18 in a state where under 21 isn't allowed to posses a handgun unless accompanied by a parent. And I put a picture of me holding said handgun with my dad cropped out of the picture. Does that mean any ol "tip" could send the jack booted thugs to my door??
I thought we had an assumption of innocence, not guilt?

Either there is something missing from the story.. or we ARE knee deep in the NWO.:cuss:
While I thoroughly agree that this is a very silly situation, and the 'authorities' grossly over reacted, I suspect that 'local sensibilities' play into everything going on here, as it is in the same neighborhood as Columbine HS. It even seems like another example of bilssninney parents with no idea of what their kid is up to (though with comparativley minor consequences this time).

But what he did really was stupid, consider -
- He got himself on the school system and police radar bigtime
- He may have scheduled hisself for some serious butt kicking at school by those who don't like his 'act' and fwill ace other kinds of social ostracism
- He just advertised to the world all he guns in the house. Any bets on how long before his house gets burgled?
If one doesn't want undue attention from all the wrong people, one shouldn't make a spectacle of oneself, eh? I don't know about jail, but he definitely needs a session with the cluebat.
Hi All-

The original post made about "...Locking-up those who post on MySpace..." was likely written as a joke. The point being that MySpace is a repository for knucklehead kids, oddballs, and assorted immature people who want to be scruffy tearaways for the sake of being scruffy tearaways.

~ Blue Jays ~
>Yes, as a mattrer of fact, I think he should. Bad choices have consequences, and I see no reason he should get a pass. Further, I think stupid should be painful, too. Otherwise, where is he going to get the motivation to stop being stupid?

My gut feeling is that the 'adults' over reacted, but I don't know this kid. He may just be doofy, or he may have real problems, can't tell from here, but if he was my neighbor, I'd damn sure keep an eye on him for a while.<

Ummm... sorry, but we do NOT have enough info here. "Enough info" would be the full content of the original page. Lacking that, none of us should be making any kind of judgement...
quote from redbeard..

rallyhound, what you don't seem to understand is that cameras and particularly effective film have absolutely NO hunting value whatsoever. Private citizens shouldn't have access to them, and those that do should be hunted down like the pornographers they obviously are!.

Does any body understand that?
i guess my Chinese is a little rusty.
Blue Jays said:
Hi All-

The original post made about "...Locking-up those who post on MySpace..." was likely written as a joke. The point being that MySpace is a repository for knucklehead kids, oddballs, and assorted immature people who want to be scruffy tearaways for the sake of being scruffy tearaways.

~ Blue Jays ~

Whoops. If it was a joke, I apologize for my subsequent post. If it wasn't, well...
Mike in VA said:
I suspect that 'local sensibilities' play into everything going on here, as it is in the same neighborhood as Columbine HS. It even seems like another example of bilssninney parents with no idea of what their kid is up to (though with comparativley minor consequences this time).

Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner!

Seriously, the kid broke the law by being in "possession" of handguns. I know the article says "allegedly", but that's the way charges are always filed. A photograph is impossible to dispute. Especially one that's been distributed over the net.

Part of the article:

after postings on the popular Web site MySpace.com allegedly showed him holding handguns, authorities said. The teen was being held at a juvenile detention center facing three misdemeanor charges of juvenile possession of a handgun....

One photo allegedly showed him lying on a floor surrounded by nine rifles with the caption, "Angel o' death on wings o' lead."

Not only is the kid guilty, but it may be that he's gotten his parents in trouble, too. Unless they can prove they were at home when the "alleged" crimes took place, depending upon Colorado law, they could be liable. I know in some states it would be the parents who would be charged.

My guess, however, is that when everybody sits down together, viz., parents, kid, school authorities, et al, the charges will be dropped. Just another teenager looking for attention.

Sort of like what we get on these firearms boards.
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Not only is the kid guilty, but it maybe that he's gotten his parents in trouble, too. Unless they can prove they were at home when the "alleged" crimes took place, depending upon Colorado law, they could be liable.

I don't know much about the law, but isn't it the prosecution who has to prove that the parents weren't there, not the parents who have to prove that they were?

In Colorado it appears that if you are a minor and around guns you need a parent present. I know that with fancy webcams it is easy to take a picture of yourself, but it is possible that his parents took the picture. I'm still not sure how a warrant was obtained.

In states that have open carry, are they allowed to arrest you for going into a 7-11 at 11:30 pm with a gun on your hip? Hey, according to the cameras, you might have been going in to rob the store.
waterhouse said:
I don't know much about the law, but isn't it the prosecution who has to prove that the parents weren't there, not the parents who have to prove that they were?

In Colorado it appears that if you are a minor and around guns you need a parent present. I know that with fancy webcams it is easy to take a picture of yourself, but it is possible that his parents took the picture. I'm still not sure how a warrant was obtained.

In states that have open carry, are they allowed to arrest you for going into a 7-11 at 11:30 pm with a gun on your hip? Hey, according to the cameras, you might have been going in to rob the store.

I'm sure you're right. I stated the same earlier. But it seems that if the parents had been there, and if they endorsed what their son was doing, that no charges would have been filed in the first place.

Originally Posted by LAR-15
Anybody who posts on Myspace oughtta be locked up

Nice post genius. Let's start locking up people that exercise their 1st rights amendment rights, when we're done we can then lock up people that exercise their second ammendment rights too.

What are you doing here anyway?

Whoa Nelly!! Am I the only one who nearly sprayed his keyboard when he got to the myspace comment? I thought it was hilarious!!
I'm on myspace, it's fun

it's popular among the younger set...and among older people like me who while not very young but not ready to be a dinosaur either.


you need the kids profile to see his pics.

my sister and brother use it to post pics of their kids for the family to see and my nieces and nephews use it all the time, it has the potential for abuse but so does going to school.

there are other myspacers here on thr ...I've seen thr mentioned in the various gun groups over at myspace, but for real intelligent gun discussion I come here...over there a lot of 16 year old's post rumors they heard from their cousin.
It is very common now for school districts to suspend students for actions that they do when they are not in school if they violate the school's rules or otherwise upset an administrator.

at my brothers school, they went on to ppls myspace who had our school listed and suspened a hole bunch cause many had pics of them drinking or smoking weed. i dont have a myspace but i know a buddy of his had pics of him hunting and nothin happened to him. but i guess hunting is still a lawful activity
it's a strange world we live in

as soon as I started teaching, I removed all identifying data from my myspace web page and subsequently abandoned it.

while I had it and was an active member, I did enjoy it. it allows one to write doggrel, pass it about, and show off skills probably better not shown off.

like much else in life, however, anything that allows great freedom of expression / use also allows great ease of abuse or maluse.

my only advice:

if you have guns, and you have kids, especially if you have teenage boys, make sure you know your kids well. otherwise, all it would take is an angry comment like "I'm going to get my dad's gun and f*** shoot you if you egg my house" for the authorities et al to come knocking on your door and making life difficult for you.
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