Tell Me About The Bloopers You Had While Carrying

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yer kidding... right? Not having an arrow nocked can break a bow?!?! I didn't know that. (serious as a heart attack, no sarcasm.)
I suppose it's the same idea as dropping a slide on an empty chamber or dry-firing; the arrow, like a cartridge, soaks up just enough energy to prevent damage.
It's mainly a physics thing. Energy doesn't just disappear. With some of the newer compound bows out there, the combined energy is around 500-600#'s, if not mistaken. When the energy is not transferred to an arrow, it gets transferred to the limbs, stressing them in ways that they were never meant to be stressed. Strings can also snap, cams can bend, basically everything can break.

Many people that aren't familiar to archery don't know that. It's quite a common thing to hear a friend picking up a bow, only to look surprised when it breaks after he dryfires it.

As a shameless plug to help the archery industry, if you like shooting guns, and want an alternative that is arguably more challenging and helps exercise your upper body, try out archery. Arrows can be used over and over again, making shooting it basically free after you have all the equipment. I plan on going bowhunting next season with my bow after practicing with it all summer. I'll be sure to keep you guys updated when I do that.
And back to you "ON TOPIC"

Thank you USMCDK.

In other blooper news, an employee, of an un-named company, accidentally dropped not one but TWO cases (a case holds 10) of firearms today all over a concrete floor, and thusly stressed out after said event.


Another story that has just come to mind is another back when I was in.

I remember a SSgt (Staff Sergeant) in the Marines (once again no name to save ones credit) that was a neat freak with his 9mm. Anyways it was another day of Qualifications down on the range. Said SSgt decided to clean his 9mm before firing, but forgot one tiny, yet nasty, lil step when reassembling his weapon. So qual begins and SSgt loads his pistol. Range master comes over the Mic. "clear on the left? Clear on the Right? All clear on the firing line! Shooters you may begin when your targets appear, TARGETS!!!" BANG!!! CLINK! THUD!!!! is the sound SSgt hears when he see his Slide and Barrel go flying from grip to dirt. Can anyone guess what he forgot to do after assembling his weapon??? That's right you guessed it. He didn't put the damn slide lock pin back into the weapon.

Now don't ask me how he managed to rack it back and not have the slide fall off right then and there. I only heard the story from him directly, I didn't actually get to witness it, but dam nI wish I could have. I would have laughed my @$$ off at him so bad.
The fact is, had he done any of three things that we were supposed to do (Visually look,ease the hammer down, make sure the gun is pointed in a safe direction), I would not have been hit.

You are talking about the M9 right?

The M9 has a decocker so that you don't have to lower the hammer manually. It blocks the firing pin when the hammer drops...

There is actually no reason the hammer should have been cocked in the first place. The hammer will only remain cocked if the safety is off. The M9 can (and should always) be disassembled with the safety on (and the hammer down).
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