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Oct 16, 2009
Parts Unknown
I have noticed the new buzzword for gun-grabbers is "common sense" regulation. Which is nothing more than a renaming of the same old crap they always try to push upon people. Moreover, they have proven how little they actually know about firearms repeatedly. This is especially true when they talk about various features and components of firearms.

Anyway, I wonder why we let them (who have no idea what they are talking about) be the ones to come up with the names for things. We need to start combating their propaganda words with our own accurate terminology.

For example: "High Capacity" Magazines are actually "STANDARD Capacity" Magazines. It is a fact. It's how they normally come from the factories.

The 10rd ones are RESTRICTED/REDUCED CAPACITY magazines.

Rather than "Gun Control Advocate" they need to be referred to as "Anti-Second Amendment Groups."

"Assault Weapons" are by definition weapons used for assaulting so
something. They are "PDWs (Personal Defense Weapons)." That is even what the government even calls them when they order full-auto models for agencies that have no transparent use for them under standard operating protocol.

Diane Feinstein is called "Senator." The correct term... well, I can't put it on THR. :neener: Just a joke on that one but you get my point.

Why give them the "power of words" especially on a subject which they know so little about?

Feel free to add your own PROPER names for things that the gun-grabbers try to demonize by using inaccurate descriptions.
Great pro freedom gun glossary link

You might find this exhaustive reference a useful starting point:


Some of Alan's position papers on registration and background checks provide thoughtful arguments against the latest common sense stalking horses for tyranny. These politicians (craven hypocrites) aren't stupid when they propose unworkable solutions to crime, accidents, tragedies. They know that each failure for laws to affect outcomes brings up an opportunity for the next step, which they acknowledge when they refer to current proposals as good first steps.
My friends have learned to stop using the term "common sense" around me. This is with regards to anything, not just 2A topics.


I grew up "country", you don't try to drive down Mill road after a heavy rain, it's just common sense (unless you've never been there and don't realize it turns into a soupy mud mess).

My buddy grew up "city", you don't go down on the lower eastside after dark, it's just common sense right? (unless you are from out of town and don't even know that is the bad part of town).

Most of the time when people use the term "common sense" they make an awful lot of assumptions about background knowledge, circumstance, and education and those assumptions are frequently wrong.

Okay, done ranting now.

Oh and UhKlem, thanks for the excellent link!
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ZeSpectre: Couldn't have said it better myself. Whenever I hear "common sense", especially with regard to taxes and guns, HUGE red flag, and my blood pressure goes up!
To me "common sense" is not a buzzword - it's an insult and I let them know it. Just because you're an idiot doesn't mean all the rest of us are.
The term "for the children" is used by the anti's a LOT. I say I am there in the background with my firearms "for the children" as that is what the second amendment is there for. To make sure that all our children have the same rights and opportunities as those that would want to take the rights away presently. Sadly IMHO some think that we do not need those rights any longer.:banghead: We need to turn the words that they use against us around to discredit them in return.
So does that mean the 20,000 gun laws that came before were not common sense? Is your goal "common sense" or prohibition? We've had 80+ years of adding more common sense laws. Will we arrive at "common sense" before you ban everything?
Two big ones; "Reasonable" and "Compromise"

Many of them have replaced Common Sense with the word "Reasonable" lately, because who could be against something "Reasonable" right?

And if you don't agree with them you are, by their definition, unreasonable.

They keep using the phrase, "Why won't you gun owners just compromise a little?" When you ask them "what they are going to give up to compromise" they insist that they have already "allowed" you to own certain firearms, now what will you give up?

By compromise, they really mean give these magazines and semi autos up now and we'll be back for those "scoped high powered sniper rifles and shotguns later".
For example: "High Capacity" Magazines are actually "STANDARD Capacity" Magazines. It is a fact. It's how they normally come from the factories.

The 10rd ones are RESTRICTED/REDUCED CAPACITY magazines.

They should be called neither restricted or reduced as that is what they want them to be, Instead, they are HANDICAPPED magazines, as is anyone required to use them in a SD situation. Bad guys get 30 rounds, good guys get 10. I guess they think that's fair.
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