tester needed

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Jan 8, 2003
Trying my hand at PODCASTING. If anyone is a regular listener of a podcast and knows what I am talking about, could you check www.blackmanwithagun.com and see if I have performed all the necessary evils to make the audio available? Would appreciate it.

The show is called BlackManWithAGun LIVE! and I hope to spread the word in my own warped way. THR's--since I believe that the best and brightest of our cause frequent this site, I could use a few volunteers to interview and record some conversations via the phone. If you are up for that, call me at 202-263-1150 and leave your name, contact info and ideas that would be interesting to listen to that you are familiar with (that we can share) and we'll go from there. thanks in advance.

5/5 on XP with Winamp and Windows Media Player 10.0.0.

Looking forward to future podcasts. Do you have a tentative schedule yet?
Tester help appreciated

Thanks brothers, I want you to know that without you, our country wouldn't have got this far. I'm trying to put a little fun back in things. There is a tag line that Bill Cosby used to say on his cartoon show that I never forgot. "And if you are not careful, you might learn something before we're done." That's my approach for the future with this podcasting thing. Apple just OK'd me so as soon as I figure out how to upload pictures to make it more inviting, I will. Will try to put one up once a week, every Tuesday evening.

There are a few that will never hear the thing, but the ones that might, are our future. Wish me luck. I operate on pure chutzpah, gumption, and guts. I've never been supported by direct mailing campaigns, fundraising telemarketers, pleas from celebrities or a national organization. Pray for your brother. :) Doing the best he can with what he has left.

Happy Thanksgiving THR.

Apple IPOD link to show: http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=206202226

The Latest

This evening the BlackManWithAGun will be traveling to NYC for a taping of a gun control debate on TVOne’s talk show, Sharp Talk with Rev. Al Sharpton. Not sure when it will air but as soon as I do, I will let you know.

Rev. Al Sharpton takes the time-honored tradition of talking issues, politics and culture in African American barbershops a step further on cable station- TV One. The new half-hour talk show hosted by Rev. Sharpton takes place in Levels barbershop in Brooklyn, where public officials, journalists, authors, sports figures, celebrities, policy experts and other interesting characters join

Not sure if it was the podcast that brought my name to controversial cream or not, but I have received a good report so far with it. Again thanks for checking it out and letting me know.

Still working on show three, which is short history of the struggle taken from my book, aimed mainly at the IPOD generation that have never heard of such things. Hopefully it will be out on Friday.

Looking for a FFL holder that I can talk to about the dreaded Form 4473. If you would like to be guest on my show, please call me at 202-263-1150 and let me know.

Ive enjoyed your podcasts so far. This is a great matter you bring to light. Im not the fondest of Al Sharpton, but I have seen his show. Please let us know how it went and where we can here that.
As an idea...how about a "man on the street" segment. You can approach people and ask them about guns, gun legislation, and the idea of personal defense. I think it would be fascinating and would reveal some of the misconceptions that are out there.
Davo's idea is a good one:

As an idea...how about a "man on the street" segment. You can approach people and ask them about guns, gun legislation, and the idea of personal defense. I think it would be fascinating and would reveal some of the misconceptions that are out there.

What might be fun is to not debate with the "people in the street," during recording, but let them say what they will. Then, when broadcasting, intersperse their comments with corrections to their misconceptions.
Downloaded the files, and they played fine on my WinXP desktop, using Apples Quicktime Player.

D/L'ed the actual IPod podcast though the ITunes software, and subscribed to the service. Ipod-cast works fine, too
Your Man on the Street

How about a list of questions you would like for the public to respond to?
Top ten questions for your man on the street to ask.
Completly off the top of my head...
Can honest people be trusted with weapons?
Will the police always be there to protect you?
If your mother/child/signifigant other was attacked, and his/her life was in danger with nobody around...would you want them to defend their life? With a gun?
What is concealed carry?
If guns cause crime, why are big cities with the strictest gun laws the least safe?
Will criminals follow the law if guns are banned?
What was the "assualt weapons ban"?, did it work?
Would you be safer if guns were illegal?
Are guns mentioned in the US bill of rights?
Is having a gun a right?
Can guns prevent crime?
What is an assualt weapon?
Are hunting guns safer then assualt weapons?
Can laws restricting guns negativly affect Blacks in America?
Why do many civil rights leaders support gun control?
Can restrictions on guns be used against you?
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Have to go at this lawyer-like with questions that you have specific, fact filled answers to already.

I was thinking 'Maybe a "which is more dangerous" with a pic of a lovely wood & blued 7mm mag 'deer gun' and an AR15.', but that could lead into defending a Spray & Pray accusation... You need to craft questions that offer the least traction for those who want to turn them.

"Which if these is legal for Deer Hunting in most states" with a .22 bolt gun, an SKS, AK, and an AR with a .458 Socom or .50Beowulf upper...?? Hmmm... but that could lead to the impression that 'bad' weapons are the most powerful....

Hmmm.... this is hard...
good questions

going to use a little of both. I would like use a photo. I like that idea. Now my homework. Here's a question I get often. "What is the point of owning an AK-47? or What do you need one of those for? Give me a couple of your best....
The point of owning an AK....
Relatively inexpensive rifle, relatively inexpensive ammo, cheap mags. It's also reliable and hard to damage or break.

Maybe get a comparison of, say, a basic rifle, a spare mag and a hundred rounds of ammo for a few different platforms to show how economical some 'evil' rifles are.

plain .308 bolt
plain 30-06 bolt

The .22 will be the cheapest, of course. (if we're arguing economy, do we really want to show a really cheap option vs the military patterns?)

If you want a reason for an AR, I'd look to the flexibility of the platform. With a few pins you can go from the normal .223 Rem to a cheap and easy to shoot 9mm, to a 6.8 for deer hunting, from a long barrel target gun to a short, light fun range plinker.

--- edit to add --- .22lr AR upper for the ultimate in cheap Black Rifle plinking.
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I am sure someone is wondering why I ask seemingly stupid questions. It's ok if you think that, but let me explain. All of us, are in this together. I am one man using the brain power and collective knowledge and experience of all that help. I could never come up with the answers to questions posed to me, solo as fast, as easy to digest and common sense as I have received here. Amish Bill, for example gave me enough AMMO to slam a dozen anti's. Why buy a AK-47? Why use it for hunting? It's cheap, and won't break. That is hard to debate. If I went into a tirade of how the firearm was created, what it has been used for, yada yada, I would lose the opportunity to score a point for our side. MONEY, Baby? Ease of operation.... Thanks men, and then there are the questions my brother gave me for the man on the street segment that will come. Ideas, man. That is real power.

I'm sitting in NYC right now waiting to get picked up by the Rev. Al for his show by the way. Using THR to refresh my mind, load and stand at the ready for this verbal combat. Will let you know how it goes.

The decked is stacked against me, I'm surrounded by anti's, prohibitionist and the ignorant,---- I got them just where I want them to be.

Semper Fi
The decked is stacked against me, I'm surrounded by anti's, prohibitionist and the ignorant,---- I got them just where I want them to be.

Just remember, they are unarmed for this battle in more ways than one!

Good luck, can't wait to see how it turns out.
the battle...

I came back to my hotel room, tired but happy. It was a rough debate because it was 3 against 1 for the hearts and minds of people that had never heard of Eddie Eagle, who believed in their hearts that gun manufacturers also sold guns illegally to criminals. The show is supposed to air in February 2007. As soon as I collect my thoughts, I'll let you know how it went down on BlackManWithAGun LIVE! (podcast). With this crowd, and I mean crowd, I said some stuff that wasn't as positive, or polished as I know I could have but I wanted to show that I cared, and wasn't a "tool" of the Man, so there are a few quotes I am sure they will keep that looks like I agree with them.

I left happy after the 2 hour attack because of how it ended. About fifty people are behind the scenes of a movie production like this. They clapped and gave me the thumbs up. They wanted to learn more about their rights. My adversaries ( Rev Sharpton took off promptly after I got a picture) but the other two exchanged numbers with me (Mothers against Guns of NY) and a rapper from Brooklyn agreed to stay in touch. it wasn't the usual kinda of fight, I think I just graduated to ambassador.

Time will tell. Goodbye city life, green acres (southbound) here I come.
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