Texas HB233 signed by Perry

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You certainly won't get an argument from me, DK. But, at least we don’t have it as bad as those in Illinois, PRK, el al.
I'm with DK on this.

I'll gladly pay what it costs to process the application and issue the permit, but what the state charges now is a ransom of our rights.

Say $100 for the class, $200 to the state including fingerprints and stuff. I'm at $600 for me and the wife. That's $600 that's MINE and not the state's, but that's not how the gov works. If it moves, tax it, and if it stands still for too long, tax it again.

Gosh, hope poor people don't live where they might need to protect themselves. Oh, wait.

Q: Can the license fee be waived in any instance?
A: Yes. State felony prosecutors are exempt from license fees.


Okay, rant off.

I'm glad for the vets getting a break, it's a start.
The TSRA, (who is driving all of these laws) got the renewal period extended to five years. The lobbiest, Alice Tripp, says they all prefer a Vermont system instead, but this is the best the legislature and govt bureaucrats will do.

They get the roughest time from the DPS who administers the CCL. By law, from the establishment, the DPS was supposed to charge ONLY what it cost to administer the program. The DPS Col. in charge argued against CCL and said he didn't have the people, time or money to administer it. Five years later during a state wide audit it turned out that the CCL program had made millions for the DPS which they had kept instead of turning in, as required, to the general fund. Since then the TSRA has been trying to get the DPS to follow the law and only charge what it costs. Hence the extensions in time, the reduction for LEO and Mil, et, et..quibbling, instead of following the law as written.

The Texas DPS still has the surplus and continues to charge more than it costs.

Tough to get people, even state agencies, to follow the law if they make money breaking it.

This is the story via Alice Tripp, the TSRA State lobbiest.
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