Thank you to all who helped Crystal Albertus out

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Moderator Emeritus
Dec 29, 2002
Crystal sent me this note and asked that I post it for everyone who has helped her out since Alan (Labgrade) passed away.

I want to thank all of you for your compassion and the overwhelming kindness shown to me. Someone at Alan's service said that he did not know what to say.

Well, there aren't any words. I can't express how sad I am to lose the love of my life or to express my thanks to you for your support.

I was asked to describe Alan for the service. This is my response. "How do you describe a man who began hunting alone (at least he thought so) in the Louisiana woods at seven years old; who scaled cliffs like spider-man; who backpacked in the Everglades, deserts and mountains; who loved teaching anyone (including me) to hunt or fish; who could move through the woods silently; who took such pleasure backpacking with me and was delighted that I could keep up with him; who loved surprising me every holiday; who loved and protected his family; who was chosen for Boy Scout 'Order of the Arrow'; who helped boys including disabled ones earn merit badges; who was so tall that when he picked up the grandchildren they thought they were on an amusement park ride; who was a good friend; who could make me so mad sometimes and was "in the doghouse" occasionally; who came to believe and studied the Bible each week with me; who was articulate; and who valued freedom and liberty enough to fight for it.

This last year was difficult for both of us with his illness getting more and more debilitating. It seemed to take Alan bit by bit as some of you surmised from his recent postings. But in the last few weeks he had hope that he might be made well again. Thankfully, I know God has Alan now and I know He will see me through this.

Alan valued the discourses and the friendships made online with you and I am grateful for that. Please accept my sincere gratitude.

I miss him.
Crystal Albertus

Five months later and while I still miss Alan more than I can say, I am trying to find my way through. The THR picnic was wonderful. It was hard being there in a way but it was also a great day. Thank you for including me.
My son and his family have moved to Longmont to be near me. It is such a blessing having them so close. Shane is doing well. It will take some time to determine how badly his heart and kidneys were damaged from the rejection and medications but we are hopeful. His lovely wife likes this area very much. The children are meeting new friends and love their new schools. I hope to move back home soon (I am very homesick) and next spring I plan to build a wild flower garden where the house used to be.
God bless you all,

Thank you again
Crystal Albertus
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