The Answer to the AWB!

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Dec 9, 2010
OR. / State of Jefferson.
The answer to the proposed AWB! We don't need to start a war as others have suggested! If we started leagle militia and showed the people how they help! We need to show that we are prepared for natural desasters or man made ones. We don't need to start a war! But we need a general call up! Without violence or stupidity! The 2amd.was put there for us to use! JMO.
that's a great idea, but a lot states frown on the term "militia" legal or not, how about calling ourselves the "united firearms owners of america" or something along that line, but still two thumbs up for the idea krupparms.
I don't mind the name change. Even thought if some. I just believe we need to exercise our rights or we will lose them! Citizen safety committees like the founding father's choose, but we need to do something along those lines. Merry X-mas &happy new year to all!
Most states have a state militia already, and not the National Guard.

Look up your state's militia and join if you think that would be a good thing, but it won't serve to help with the RKBA struggle we're facing.
HSO Can you explain why you believe that? Also as I used to live in E.Tennessee &I am pretty sure they had a state militia &it did alot of good things. Did they go bad or disband? I was just woundering why you believe that way. Don't want to argue, just understand.
I don't understand! The militia is the main point of the 2amd. Why are they given such a bad name? Government propaganda or what? I am not sure when this shift in the way we look at them took place .There are alot of us that have done nothing wrong. But we are made to feel like we have done something wrong.Merry X-mas & Happy New Year.
I don't understand! The militia is the main point of the 2amd. Why are they given such a bad name? Government propaganda or what? I am not sure when this shift in the way we look at them took place .There are alot of us that have done nothing wrong. But we are made to feel like we have done something wrong.Merry X-mas & Happy New Year.
I read about athens, right after WW2. I have a home not far from there. What part of E. TN are you from? Just curious, don't have to post it...

HSO Can you explain why you believe that?

Not to answer for HSO, but several of the actual STATE militia groups (not simply groups identified with a state's name) are largely unarmed service organizations such as the Texas State Guard. Even if they were not, such organizations would have nothing to do stopping any sort of AWB anymore than they did in 1994. Being in a militia doesn't mean you get go have a M-16.
The answer to the proposed AWB! We don't need to start a war as others have suggested! If we started leagle militia and showed the people how they help! We need to show that we are prepared for natural desasters or man made ones. We don't need to start a war! But we need a general call up! Without violence or stupidity! The 2amd.was put there for us to use! JMO.
Sounds like a lot of useless, "feel good" rhetoric just like a lot of existing laws on the books today.

The 2amd.was put there for us to use!

Many people think that the mere threat of this is enough. That is not a threat without the resolve, or teeth to deliver it.
I agree we should not all go get M16s. But I would like to keep my AR15 or AK or what ever .I just feel we should not hide in the dark . We should be out in the open and seen as responsible gun owners & militia members. Not crazy people running around in the woods. I believe a peaceful protest might be in order. Maybe I am just an old man that don't want a war to start or the Republic to come crashing down. As I said JMO.
That's it ! The race card, modern day answer to all questions asked. Not the right answer, just the most popular.
well Solo hit the nail on the head with that last post, that is what the uneducated MSM spoon fed public thinks, that's why i agree with krupparms 100% on the idea and on how he feels about AWB, hey i want keep my Mini-14 with comp. folding stock with pistol grip and 30 rd. mags too.
Paramilitary groups like the KKK (and, to be fair, the Black Panthers) are what the general public thinks when the word "militia" is uttered. Kind of like how a lot of people equate "Muslim" with "terrorist", or "French" with "coward". Not saying it's right, but that's how the world is.
The militia is the main point of the 2amd.

No it's not. There is an important comma:

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Heller found this to be true, it's an individual right.

We don't need to start a war as others have suggested!

Who on here has asked to start a war?

I agree we should not all go get M16s.

Why not? The Framers thought we should be able to.

We should be out in the open and seen as responsible gun owners & militia members. Not crazy people running around in the woods. I believe a peaceful protest might be in order.

Where do you get that we are crazy people running around the woods. I'm in my living room right now. Your idea to join a militia is not a form of peaceful protest either.

The 2amd.was put there for us to use!

This is the one I have the most questions about. What do you mean for us to use? The 2nd Amendment was not in the original Constitution, it was in the Bill of Rights, meaning it's a limit on what the Federal government can impose. It doesn't give you the ability to do anything.
I guess I'm just completely confused as to what this militia call-up is supposed to ... DO?

Are you suggesting that the militia would have been an appropriate entity to respond to or prevent the school shooting? (What? How?)

Are you suggesting that if we were all members of various "militia" organizations -- just as a general thing -- the public wouldn't want an AWB? (Why would that be?)

Or if an AWB seems likely to pass, we should all mobilize our militias and do...something? (Goodness, that's a mighty big step ... better be prepared for some mighty unpleasant times.)
The SCOTUS has twice conferred that the Second Amendment is an individual right. Membership in a militia is not required for us to retain arms.

And, with all due respect, Krupparms, sir, while making such an important post please reread and edit it to allow it to reflect the thoughtful and intelligent man that you are.

BTW, I too proudly join your ranks of being "just and old man". Well, older anyway.

Thank you.
Saw on the idiot box the other night the "million moms" (yes, they are back and claiming to be 80 million now) are planning a march on DC.

A Militia call up could be a PEACEFUL counter march.

My state has a clause for unorganized militia, I am sure others do as well. If my state were to support a call up to help snap reality back into the public's eye it may be a good thing. Of course this would require the States to stand up for thier rights...
The second amendment is an individual right period. It was written in the Bill of rights to be sure that the government would not be able to infringe or removeit. It was just confirmed by the US supreme court. Semi automatic rifles are legal and need to stay that way.
The problem is as solo pointed out, the majority of militias were unorganized groups with bad reputations as opposed to the state militias like the Tennessee Defense Force.
One more shot at this. I don't believe that they militia is a bunch of racist or whacks running around trying to hand out F.A. weapons &plotting to over throw our Republic. I agree with what you say about the SCOTUS said. The part that gives force to us is the first part of the constitution. I don't believe we should take over security for schools. That's someone elses job. I do believe a peaceful protest /march by responsible &disaplened militia would be a way to show we are not what the government &media make us out to be. We need to show a positive view! JMO. Happy New Year to all! We don't have today agree, that's what makes us strong &Great!
Sam, I had another possibility in mind - the idea that being part of a militia would be sort of a "I get to have these banned guns" card. Like "oh, you want to ban AR-15s? Well I'm in the militia, so I need an AR-15!"
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